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More politics, y'all....

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I know NOTHING about this news site.


Someone sent it to me in a link. I just thought the subject was interesting. I am a TD Jakes fan, if you are not then it probably won't be interesting to you.


I have never heard of TD Jakes and I find his comments interesting. Is he a conservative or liberal?


While I did not agree with his feminity as a liability comment, I did like the fact that he spoke about this historic milestone with respectful tones. It did not strike me as liberal rhetoric.


Thanks for sharing.

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I have never heard of TD Jakes and I find his comments interesting. Is he a conservative or liberal?


While I did not agree with his feminity as a liability comment, I did like the fact that he spoke about this historic milestone with respectful tones. It did not strike me as liberal rhetoric.


Thanks for sharing.



I think he tends to be a political moderate, but a social conservative.

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I agree with his comments in the article. Regardless of where you stand on Obama's politics, it is a historic event. We just finished a year of US history discussing very openly the vileness of racism with my son. So, yes, I think it should be discussed for its historical significance.


The comments under the article were what blew me away. :confused:

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The comments under the article were what blew me away. :confused:



Um, yeah. Today I watched a youtube of Michelle Obama introducing her husband at a state fair. It was typical political state fair stuff, how great her husband is, how challenging the campaign is on their daughters, yada, yada, yada. Noting inflammatory, nothing shocking...


The comments by youtube viewers, the names they called her. *shudder*

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Um, yeah. Today I watched a youtube of Michelle Obama introducing her husband at a state fair. It was typical political state fair stuff, how great her husband is, how challenging the campaign is on their daughters, yada, yada, yada. Noting inflammatory, nothing shocking...


The comments by youtube viewers, the names they called her. *shudder*


This is what I find so disgusting. I dont' care whether you agree with a person's politics or not, NO ONE deserves to be treated that way. You know, I wish we could all just cool it. OBVIOUSLY, McCain doesn't want to destroy the USA, (keep in mind I"m saying this as a hard-core Democrat) and neither does Obama.


The rancor is really getting old....and it's only June!

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This is what I find so disgusting. I dont' care whether you agree with a person's politics or not, NO ONE deserves to be treated that way. You know, I wish we could all just cool it. OBVIOUSLY, McCain doesn't want to destroy the USA, (keep in mind I"m saying this as a hard-core Democrat) and neither does Obama.


The rancor is really getting old....and it's only June!


True, but really I just linked it because I found it interesting that a man of God who I honestly respect and whose fundamental values would be more to the conservative side has supportive things to say about Obama.

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Oh, I wasn't really talking about the link--- though I appreciated it very much! Thank you!


I was just musing more generally about the tone of political discussions in the media. I hate it when the wife and kids are in the middle, you know?

It's happening here in our small-town politics, and it's a big part of the reason why we can't find any candidates to run for public office. OUr local cable station gives 30 minute shows to every loudmouth with an ax to grind, and good people are slammed publicly, and their families dragged through the mud simply because someone else doesn't agree with them on a planning and zoning issue, for example. It gets really ugly. No wonder no one wants to run for office here! Who can blame them?

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OBVIOUSLY, McCain doesn't want to destroy the USA, (keep in mind I"m saying this as a hard-core Democrat) and neither does Obama.


The rancor is really getting old....and it's only June!


Er, 'scuse me, Astrid...that's John Sidney McCain III!



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