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Teacher's Lodge ~ 11/29/11

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Good morning, Lodge members! :D


Scrap is taking a break from running the lodge until after the holidays. Since I'm always desperate for a little small talk among teachers, I thought I would try to open the lodge in her absence.


What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share?


What do you have planned for today?


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating?


Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break?


What's the weather like where you live?



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What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share? The kids had waffles and clementines for breakfast. I had an Entenman's black and white cookie. :D I think we're going to have smoked pork tenderloin for lunch. I may make some rice to go with it. Dinner is going to be chicken and sausage gumbo for dh and ds. I may make potato soup and/or grilled cheese for the "girls" because we don't care for gumbo.


What do you have planned for today? We are plugging along with our schoolwork! It was a bit hard to get back into it after our week off last week, but we seem to be back in a good routine today. DD14 has dance tonight and ds has a Cub Scout Pack meeting.


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating? We have begun decorating the outside of the house. We're about 1/2 done with the outside lights. I've barely begun the inside decorations. We probably won't put up our big Christmas tree until mid-December.


Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break? Our Christmas/winter break will begin on December 17th. I babysit for a 2 year old and a 4 year old. The little one's last day with us this year will be on December 16th. Until then, it's best for us to just stick with our usual routine. We will spend the week of December 18th-23rd doing holiday-related crafts, building gingerbread houses, making cookies, etc. I can't wait!!


What's the weather like where you live? It was very warm this past weekend....mid-upper 70's. A storm front came through last night/early this morning with lots of rain. The sun is starting to peek out now, but it's much cooler today. I think the high today is supposed to be in the mid-upper 50's. I'm ready for some cooler weather though!

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Hi Mama! Thanks for taking this on since I enjoy this thread when I get a chance to participate in it! :)


What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share? We just had pumpkin spice pancakes for breakfast (courtesy of Trader Joe's!). Lunch is undecided - we may go out to grab something, and dinner is a whatever night (which may be as simple as a bowl of cereal).


What do you have planned for today? My mom has been in town for the holiday, so we are bringing her to the airport later this afternoon. Nothing exciting before or after that.


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating? Our tree is up and decorated! The boys also set up their Playmobil nativity set. I still need to decorate the rest of the house (stockings, wreaths, etc). I'm hoping to get that done tonight or tomorrow.

Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break? We haven't officially schooled since last Wednesday - meaning using our curriculum, but we've been to museums - since my mom has been with us, and the boys prefer to do as much as they can with her. We'll resume tomorrow and continue until Dec. 23. I'm planning on doing less official curriculum this December though so we can study the history behind Christmas, do crafts, bake, and not feel so stressed. We'll still do math, spelling, and some writing, however.


What's the weather like where you live? Today it is COLD! The temp right now is about 42, but it feels like 39. Yesterday and the week prior, we were in the low-mid 70s. We won't be seeing those days again for a while as the forecast is for the low to mid 50s for the next week or so. I guess it's finally November here. :D

Hope everyone has a great day!

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What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share? Breakfast was waffles and banana slices. Lunch will be hot dogs with oven baked homemade french fries. Dinner - no idea yet!


What do you have planned for today? My big girl got her pictures done at the school already. We have a 4-H meeting tonight.


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating? Not yet but the tree is going up this week and next week, we are putting together a gingerbread house!


Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break? Yes, sometime during the week prior to Christmas. But we are doing "light" work during December - just Bible, math, phonics/reading and lots of Christmas crafts.


What's the weather like where you live? cold and rainy!

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Thanks for taking over! I know I sure appreciate and look for this thread regularly, but it's good for Scrap to get a break!


What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share? No real ideas for lunch, but we're having shrimp scampi, green salad, and Jell-O salad for dinner.

What do you have planned for today? Welllll I *had* planned to get to the store and take DS to swim, but he's in bed with a headache, so I'm not sure what the day has in store now. He went to bed early last night, too, and had a night terror, something we haven't seen in a couple years (and which I hadn't missed!), so I don't know what's going on.


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating? We've started, but DH still needs to finish putting the lights up and we'll put the tree up on Friday. All the other decorations are out.


Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break? Yes, we'll take a break when DD's school lets out. We get the week before Christmas and the week after off.


What's the weather like where you live? It's currently 43 and fairly breezy, which is too cold for my liking.

Edited by elise1mds
text color screwed up
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Thanks for taking over! I know I sure appreciate and look for this thread regularly, but it's good for Scrap to get a break!

My sentiments exactly!


What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share? Breakfast will be my usual two eggs, 1 Ezek. 4:9 Eng. muffin, water;


Lunch will be out. My kids have a "church uncle" who they love to tease and talk to. He's been unemployed for quite a while so my dh and the kids picked out a Christmas gift for him and then the kids and I are taking him out to lunch.


I have no idea about dinner.


What do you have planned for today? I'm going to the doctor this morning about my pericarditis symptoms. The "church uncle" I mentioned lives near the doctor's office so we will go to lunch afterward. After that, we will stop by the nearby mall to pick up one gift for dh. I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning so all of this seems a bit insurmountable to me, but here we go!. . .


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating? The kids decorated the day after Thanksgiving. The only thing that is not done is the Gingerbread house kit that I picked up the other day.


Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break? We take days off here and there. Today will be no school except that ds14 needs to do algebra while I'm talking to the doctor.


What's the weather like where you live? In the 40's. It's been quite rainy but looks like it be dry today.

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What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share? My breakfast and lunch are always the same - greek yogurt with berries and either flax or homemade granola for breakfast and either apples & PB for lunch or leftovers. Dinner tonight is ummm something - I have the weekly list on the fridge.


What do you have planned for today? Today, little one is at her enrichment school so I'll need to pick her up. I'm working. I need to get a burgundy uniform shirt for bigger one today - she's going to a shadow day at a charter school tomorrow. I'm not sure I have other plans.


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating? My older daughter has a birthday less than 2 weeks before Christmas. We don't decorate for Christmas until after her birthday - she hates losing her birthday to Christmas.


Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break? Taking a break probably 2 days before CHristmas (can you tell I haven't looked at December yet?) And staying on break until my ds goes back to Japan, which is Jan 5th - I think.


What's the weather like where you live? Right now, it is sunny and 50 with a bright blue sky. We're expecting snow Thursday.

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What is on the menu for today? Does anyone have breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas to share? No ideas, I'm a terrible cook. Breakfast was an apple. Lunch is pizza. Dinner...no clue. It will probably involve squash, since we have about a metric ton of it.


What do you have planned for today? Work! Just like every other weekday from now until I die... School in the evening, with dinner somewhere in there. It's the day before payday (I get paid once a month) so we can't afford to do anything.


If you celebrate Christmas or other winter holiday, have you begun decorating for it? Have you finished decorating? Um, I put out our toy soldier yard sign. We'll probably decorate the tree and the rest of the house this weekend, assuming we go and buy the tree.


Do you take a break from school during the holidays? If so, when do you plan to take that break? Sort of. We can't take more than a week off or Ariel forgets everything she's ever learned (ok, not EVERYTHING, but geez, school yesterday was like she forgot how to add, speak in English and recognize the letter W ;), and we were only off 4 days, including the weekend), but we'll probably break the week of Christmas.


What's the weather like where you live? Cold (at least for my area - it's in the lower 60s) and sunny. Everyone at work has broken out the winter sweaters.

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Breakfast was the usual cafeteria style with everyone having some combo of scrambled eggs/toast/granola/Greek yogurt/juice/coffee. Lunch was baked potatoes with cheddar and fresh fruit. Dinner will be chili, rice, salad, and fresh pineapple. I made chocolate crinkle cookies today, so we will have some of those with eggnog when Rudolph is on tonight.


Today was my prep day for our final week of co-op classes this term. I have been teaching 3 fun (but exhausting) classes. It was a regular school day for the dc. I have a new middle school math student I'll be tutoring later this afternoon.


We took a week off for Thanksgiving and will be off for the last two weeks of the year. Being off last week was so nice -- getting back to work yesterday was unpleasant.


The weather here is windy with dropping temps and some rain. Tomorrow's high will be 20 degrees below today's. Yuck.

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