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I need iPad help - safari thinks it's not connected to the internet

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Thanks!! didn't work... I had already rebooted a few times, so I turned the router off, waited a minute, and turned it on again. I thought for a moment it might, because the tiny window came up on the ipad to select the network, which I did and it is connected to the network, but still safari thinks it's not. :glare: (really, shouldn't I be making an apple pie?? or at least getting dressed?)


maybe I'll try turning off the router for longer.

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What works for us when ours does this is to go into settings, turn it to airplane mode, wait a few seconds, turn it back off airplane mode. Then select "cellular data" OR "wi-fi data" and let it do it's little "searching...." thing and then once it comes up with the list on its own of which are available, select the one we want, exit settings and usually after that it works again.


But, yes, we have to do this once/day sometimes. Very glitchy, that iPad....

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We are having a few issues at the moment as well.


What I did this morning is go to settings, go to internet settings, hit reset. this will take the internet settings back to factory settings but will not effect your data or apps or iTunes.


So far it seems to have helped.



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We are having a few issues at the moment as well.


What I did this morning is go to settings, go to internet settings, hit reset. this will take the internet settings back to factory settings but will not effect your data or apps or iTunes.


So far it seems to have helped.




Hmmm.... I can't find "internet settings" under settings. Where should I look? Is it "reset network settings"?


Woo hoo - that worked!!!!! (good thing I remembered the network password, lol...) Thank you!!!


The whole thing was bizarre. I admit that, for the most part, I hate the ipad. But now someone can watch mickey mouse videos :D. Or, I can view WTM while I cook, lol, though I refuse to post from it - too much of a pain.


The apple pie is in the oven. I forgot to bring the recipe with me, so I hope I remembered it right, but funky things sometimes happen at this altitude anyway...

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