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s/o of Random Acts of Kindness... we were on the receiving end recently!

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I have to share our touching "Good Samaratin" story with you! A few days ago, Dh and I were having a discussion in the grocery store parking lot. Our van window was rolled down and I was inside as he stood outside while we compared the crazy price differences between this particular store and our usual. We decide to leave without puchasing anything! It was really THAT bad. As we were heading out of the parking lot, a man stopped us and motioned us to roll down our window. I'll have to admit it is was sketchy. I was nervous! Well, this man (and his wife) had overheard some of our conversation and were concerned we didn't have enough money for food. I'm sure they had also seen our four children inside. They wanted to offer us some sandwiches! We did not (not sure about this now) take them because we truly didn't need them, but we were so incredibly touched and humbled. We were so overcome at that moment with their love and kindness. It all still chokes me up thinking about it. About not accepting their gift, I think we were in shock and just not thinking straight. I aslo was wondering if they were giving in their need and maybe needed them more than we did! It bothers me not knowing what would have meant the most to them, but it all just happened so fast. Would love to hear your Good Samaritan stories, too!

Edited by JENinOR
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I witnessed a wonderful Good Samaritan act earlier this week. My niece just lost her baby stillborn. She came out here to recuperate for a while. She never actually lived on this farm, but it's an ancestral home for much of the family. On her second day here, although we'd not mentioned it to anyone, a woman from town who does not know my niece and barely knows me came to bring an afghan to her. She is part of a knitting group who makes afghans for emergency workers (to give out) and for the palliative care at the small hospital near me. My niece was truly touched that someone would do that for her. It was very special.

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I witnessed a wonderful Good Samaritan act earlier this week. My niece just lost her baby stillborn. She came out here to recuperate for a while. She never actually lived on this farm, but it's an ancestral home for much of the family. On her second day here, although we'd not mentioned it to anyone, a woman from town who does not know my niece and barely knows me came to bring an afghan to her. She is part of a knitting group who makes afghans for emergency workers (to give out) and for the palliative care at the small hospital near me. My niece was truly touched that someone would do that for her. It was very special.


Oh, Audrey, that is touching. I'm sure she treasures that blanket and the love and care behind it. Kindness like that can be so healing, too.

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My ds needed oral surgery to in order to get his braces on. We went to a surgeon who had done work on my brother and was once a wrestler. After he looked in my ds's mouth, the surgeon immediately pegged him as a wrestler (he definitely looks the part) and we started talking about this and that in the wrestling world.


Since my husband retired we have not had dental insurance except the insurance we pay for yearly that covers cleanings and gives us a discount on fillings or other basic dental work. The orthodontist had thought our medical insurance might cover the oral surgery because it was rather involved but the oral surgeon could not find a way to get it covered. He came back out to us and said not to worry about the cost because he would do it on him.


I was so touched I wanted to cry because it was a really hard time for us as a family and figuring out how to pay for it was really stressful.

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We were going through a hard time financially. One day I took my 5 kids out to lunch for one of their birthday. We stood for a long time studying the menu board in order to figure out how to get the most food for the least amount and still get the birthday kid what they wanted. A lady came up behind us and I told her to go ahead. She must have heard all of the negotiating and figuring out we were trying to do and order. My youngest one asked why we never get a toy when we eat out like other kids do. I don't remember what I said to her.


When we had finished our lunch and were clearing the table, the lady came over, handed each kid a toy, smiled at me and said, "I remember what it was like." She handed me a card for her church, said something nice to the kids and left. I cried all the way home in the car. No one had ever done something nice for me like that.

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