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s/o how closely do you follow the WTM


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I have always wondered how many people use the reading lists in the WTM. We have followed them very closely (we skipped Hunchback and a couple of others due to sensitive kids) but I don't see much discussion of the books on the boards and I am wondering if that is because most people don't use them.


If you do use them, what has been your experience? And if you don't use them, what do you use instead and why?

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The reading lists I definitely stick to. We read a ton of other things not on the list, but I found them to be exactly what I was looking for.

I supervise my younger brothers homeschooling as well, and we are working our way through the 8th/9th grade lists right now.

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We use the SOTW A.G. lists for my odd too. For my younger one who is still mastering reading, we use the few on the A.G. lists that she can read, plus I read all of the picture books from the lists to her. We used many of the readers given in the reading sections of WTM for her. We do the reading narrations, the assigned reading, and the silent reading periods as laid out in WTM too. I do also use other reading lists for inspiration like Sonlight and 1000 Good Books and the VP catalog. But in the end most are pretty similar.

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We use most of the books several grades behind the WTM schedule, where the kids read them independently. Ds has read about 75-80% of the "Reading/Literature" books (1st-7th grades), and then several from the later lists. He recently read Heaney's Beowulf recommended in WTM and is currently reading the version of Don Quixote recommended in WTM. We don't really follow the WTM order, but SWB's recommended translations or adaptations of literary works have been a great match for us. I've been very pleased with the results!

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I really try to go by the reading list in TWTM. I sometimes have a problem finding the exact book, but if I can find something similar I'll use it. My girls have enjoyed some of the reading, and could have done without some books. :001_smile: That in itself is a life lesson.


We also add in one book to each chapter of SOTW from the extra reading from the list. Those books come down to what I can find through our library. If I cannot find any of the books suggested, then we just go on with our schedule.



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