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The Teachers Lodge 11-4-2011

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Thank God it is Friday!!!


I'm feeling much better today so I REALLY hope that means I still get to go to my TWO scrapbooking events tomorrow! :hurray:


However, today is Pay Day, so now I get to pay bills. :tongue_smilie: But I'm thankful for that, too, as that means hubby has a job and we have the money to pay our bills.


What's for breakfast/lunch today? No idea on either one!


Plans for the weekend? See above!


Anyone else have sick kiddos besides me? I think my daughter is getting over whatever virus she had. Son woke up this morning sounding congested. :glare:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Breakfast/ lunch? No clue


Weekend plans? Mom/ son date with ds7 to local farm this afternoon, dd13's fencing tournament tomorrow followed by serving at a supper fundraiser at church followed by Bible study, then church and collapsing on Sunday.


Sick kiddos? Kids are all good. I had a migraine yesterday and today I'll be dealing with the resulting migraine hangover and last night's insomnia. There will definitely be a nap sometime today!


ETA: Oh wait, I'm not collapsing after church. I've got to photograph a concert for the local civic choir (an ad just played for it on the radio and reminded me). I celebrate the income it means but mourn the loss of rest.

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Good morning to you!


Breakfast - Ezek. 4:9 English muffin (which are pretty good), 2 eggs, water


Which reminds me to give my warning about Ezek. 4:9 noodles that we tried last night. Paste (not pasta). Need I say more? :ack2:


Lunch - not sure since I forgot to get salad stuff when I was at the store last night :svengo:


Plans for the weekend - nothing planned for tonight. Nothing planned for Saturday (though I do have a couple of ideas swirling around in my head). Sunday will be church and then in the evening more church but with the benefit of seeing a dear speaker friend of ours.


Sick kids? - Ds14, who just popped out to say Good morning, is fit as a fiddle. Dd9 (almost 10), who has been sleeping later and later lately, is probably fine too. At least I hope so.

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This has been our third weird week in a row. Nothing really major, but lots of pestulant type interuptions that have got us a little behind. I am glad the week is done so that I can plan on a full week of school next week. Our washer has broke down 2x in the last 2 weeks...yesterday it acted up..then decided to work again, so I stayed up till 2am getting laundry done before it acts up again.




weekend plans- Last week was end of soccer so all we have is dd13 doing violin performances at several of the local Christmas bazaars on Saturday.


sickness- I am coming down with a cold from being too run down. Dd13 is on antibiotics and prednisone for allergic reaction to flea bites from new kitten. Thankfully she is getting better quickly.

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My son is swimming at a university here in town tomorrow, so we are going to see that.


I just found out that my husband is probably going to have to go back to Baton Rouge over Thanksgiving to take care of his elderly father, who has a cracked vertebra from a fall several weeks ago. He is being moved to a rehab facility today, but they expect him home before Thanksgiving and the older brother who has been living/working there and sort of looking after him is going home for Thanksgiving. This is very hard.


My husband doesn't want to fly - rates are sky high and everyone knows what a hassle it is - but driving alone is also tough, not to metion dangerous, at a time when so many are on the roads. While my younger son and I could pack up and go with him, that would leave the older son at home alone over the entire Thanksgiving break - not something any of us want.... We've hardly seen him this semester and now my husband is not going to get to be with him any at Thanksgiving, either. OY....


And, to make matters worse, I need our only decent vehicle to get around in here, and my husband's 25 year old Chevy truck can not be used for trips out of town, much less out of state. It's so finicky and difficult for me to drive it that it's really not feasible for us to just switch, either. In past, he has rented a car at times to make such trips, but he doesn't want to keep having to do that as he expects that he is going to have to make this trip more and more often now.... So now he's out looking at cars to purchase, another cost we really didn't need to incur at this time....

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Thank God it is Friday!!! I am SO ready for the weekend! I need some "downtime!"


I'm feeling much better today so I REALLY hope that means I still get to go to my TWO scrapbooking events tomorrow! :hurray: I'm glad you're feeling better, Scrap! Hope you have fun at your scrapbooking events!


However, today is Pay Day, so now I get to pay bills. :tongue_smilie: But I'm thankful for that, too, as that means hubby has a job and we have the money to pay our bills. Pay day is definitely a good thing!!


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was yogurt and Lemon Poppyseed Muffins (courtesy of dd14). Lunch will probably be sandwiches or leftovers from last night's dinner. Dinner tonight will probably be Buffalo Chicken sandwiches, tater tots, and salad.


Plans for the weekend? Today we're making muffins to take to church for a clothing giveaway that's being held there tomorrow for members of the community in need of free clothing. While they wait for their turn to "shop," guests are welcomed in our hospitality room with coffee, hot chocolate and muffins for breakfast. So far, my ds has made 3 dozen muffins to take.

Tomorrow my dh is going to an all-day Scouting workshop. I will be taking the kids to ds' last soccer game of the season. I hope to get caught up on some household stuff tomorrow too. On Sunday, we have a busy day at church.


Anyone else have sick kiddos besides me? My dd4 is still a bit congested, but feeling better.

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Good Morning/Afternoon!


Breakfast was waffles and bananas. Lunch will be leftover pizza. Not real great today, I know.


Youngest ds was sick this week, but seems to be feeling better finally. Now it is my turn...I am not feeling well at all. blech.


This weekend we have to finish the paint job on our dining room, and get some cleaning done. DH also wants to go to the Y to swim (not sure about that if I don't get to feeling better though.)


It was a blah kind of week.

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Michelle, may you feel much better SOON!


(When I was sick it was like I was "half" sick, like my body couldn't decide if it wanted to be sick or not. This doesn't help because I'm pretty sure that since my dh, when sick, gets totally knocked out for a straight 24 hours, he doesn't think I'm really sick when I really am! Does that make sense?)


Anyway, may you feel better soon!

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Our breakfast wound up being from Wendy's and I even had to go back because they screwed up a simple order of two sausage biscuits and one bacon biscuit. They gave me three sausage biscuits, which I didn't discover 'til I got home. :glare: I called and they said to come back. :glare: But they did give me my bacon bisuit, finally, and another one on top of that. :)


Lunch was popcorn chicken with a side of pineapple chunks and mandarin oranges (all in 100% juice). I think I wrote down somewhere what dinner will be but I don't remember off the top of my head.


Is anybody getting any actual academics done today? My ds7 has only managed to do his Bible reading. DD13 has at least done Bible reading, Biology, and Math. Other than that, we've managed to do a little decluttering and some dishes and laundry. Guess that counts towards education, too,right? RIGHT?? :D

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