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Geography Postcard Exchange


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Hi there- I'm new to this forum. I'm homeschooling my second grader and we are currently learning all of the states and capitals. We thought it would be fun to get a postcard from all 50 states and as many foreign countries as possible. We are looking for people who may be interested. Basically, if you are interested, you would send out 49 postcards from your state one week (less than $16 postage). Then, you would receive one postcard a week from another state for the next 49 weeks. I thought this would be a great way to get my daughter excited about learning geography, history, and interesting facts about each state. So far, we have OR, AK, NY, AL, CT, AZ, WA, CA, MS, SC, FL, GA, VA, HI, NM, and UT. If you live in another state and are interested, please let me know. I will get it up and running as soon and I get all 50 states. Thanks so much!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have had postcard exchanges on this forum in the past, and there have been both good and bad experiences. All I can say is that if everyone that commits to doing it follows through, it can be a really fun and rewarding activity. Unfortunately, some people don't follow through. One year I invested $40 in postcards and stamps and sent them to every last person on the list, only to get a dozen postcards from others. My daughter and I were really disappointed, to say the least.


So a word from experience would be this: don't promise to send postcards to everyone unless you are willing and able to keep your commitment and actually do it.




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Well, a variation that could avoid the unproductive financial expense if some don't follow through could be an email exchange. Maybe each parent/kid combo could come up with a couple of pictures and bit of text about where they are located.


Something along the lines of... we live in a rural area of New Mexico where most people either work in the oil field industry or farming. And here's a pic of an oil refinery, a cotton field, and downtown.



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