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Nana School


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Well, I got a small surprise the other day when the grandparents that take care of my boys while I work expressed an interest in teaching. I never asked for it, but my mother wondered if there might be some things she could teach while she has the boys on the half-day.

I've got some ideas, but out of curiosity, if you had a grandparent who is willing and able to teach (my mother home-schooled all four of us as some point in our education) what would you want the grandparent to teach?

I'm actually thinking about subject material here, and not just review of the weeks material because I think Nana School should be kind of special.

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If my in-laws were up to teaching something, I'd want them to pick 1 or 2 areas that I just never seem to have the time to make as fun as I wish I would!


History - a true living history, immersed in books and hands-on relevant projects


Science - lots and lots of experiments


Reading - having the kids read a great book and do hands-on activities related to the book (like... Harry Potter, complete with wands & broomsticks & "magic" - or maybe doing a mini-play based on the book chapter by chapter). Actually, this is the one area where my kids are super-good at doing it all themselves - but they always want me involved more & I'm usually trying desperately to catch up with a million other things... :(


Woodworking - my fil is REALLY good at this, and I wish he'd teach the boys - but he is 81 now and has trouble with letting them help (they usually end up grumped at with a "sit on the side out of the way" thing).


Arts & crafts & other - things beyond just drawing/playdough like I normally survive with... building an awesome wood house, carving soap sculptures, making your own soap, weaving.


Home-Ec - cooking, cleaning, sewing, patching.

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My dd 5 is taking sewing lessons from Nanny because I am totally lacking in the crafty gene department.


I think its awesome when grandparents want to get involved. For me and my situation it works out having Nanny do life-skills sorts of things instead of one of the more traditional subjects. So right now they have focused on sewing and getting familiar with a sewing machine but down the road she'll probably do things like baking and cooking too.

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Depending on the interests and abilities of the grandparent...






nature studies


Another idea would be geography, because it's something that could be done once a week. Or science experiments. Or supplemental math games/real life math application.


I would probably leave the things that need daily (or near daily) practice, like math, language arts, foreign language, because it might be difficult for you and them to keep up with what the other has covered, etc.

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I am considering having my father teach Spanish or Geography, as he is almost fluent in Spanish (my brother is fluent). Geography and Native American cultures are some of his interests as well.

My mom I'm not so sure about. She is not the type of grandmother who bakes cookies and sews or gardens, although she can do those things. It's just not her cup of tea. I was thinking about piano. She used to teach, but on the other hand, I don't have a piano at home for practice, and I wouldn't expect a music lesson to be useful without practice during the week. I also thought about having her teach the boys basic keyboarding. She's far better with a computer than I am.

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