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The Teachers Lodge 10-24-2011

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Good morning! (Or, afternoon, to some! :D)


After many days of having to get up earlier than usual, I did not set an alarm for this morning so I woke up at 10:09am! Can't do that too many days in a row or I won't get anything done but it was nice for this morning!


What's for breakfast and/or lunch today?


Breakfast: just had Quaker Corn Bran cereal. Will probably make coffee here in a bit. Lunch: you know me - no idea! I may be perusing my book of The Plan-D Diet by Dee McAffrey which is all about staying away from any kind of flour. Since my dd13 has Asperger's Syndrome and their has been some success with a gluten-free diet in some with Asperger's, I thought worth researching.


How was your weekend? Do anything special?


Saturday we did nothing of purpose except go to my ds7's play that night and dh worked on his Sunday School lesson afterward. Other than that, we all just hung out and played a bit. DH and I did go to some yard sales and that was somewhat fruitful: I bought 2 series of books for my daughter for $2.00!


Sunday after church I had plans to take the kids up north so dh could have a quiet house in which to work. My ds was really cranky, though, so he stayed home, and just my daughter, a friend, and I went about 90 minutes north of here. :auto:It was beautiful! It was 15-20 degrees cooler there and some of the leaves on the trees were turning those beautiful fall colors! Plus, as we drove down into a small valley up there, a family of four deer passed right in front of us.:) It was so cool!


What are your plans for today?


Schooling, housecleaning, laundry, phone calls, figuring out dinner, ballet, and a meeting.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I was doing my chores! (You missed my pre-breakfast board perusal time by snoozing late!)


Breakfast - 2 eggs, everything bagel thin, water


Lunch - I'm going to follow my friend Scrap's lead and eat out today.


Weekend - My dd9 baked a 3 layer chocolate cake! (She said that was exciting and I had to include it.)


I got caught up grading ds14's grammar. That's exciting, isn't it?


Your drive sounds wonderful.:)


Today's plans - no room for school today! Chores here to make life a little bit smoother and then we are going out. We will be working on getting a load of books ready to send to Liberia for rebuilding schools and libraries that were devastated during civil war. And then we are taking dear Libby to a naturopathic vet to get a final opinion on whether her front right leg can be saved.

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Good morning! (Or, afternoon, to some! :D) It's well after noon here!


After many days of having to get up earlier than usual, I did not set an alarm for this morning so I woke up at 10:09am! Can't do that too many days in a row or I won't get anything done but it was nice for this morning! WOW! I can't even fathom sleeping in that late. It has seriously been years since I slept that late! I did "sleep in" this morning, but it was until 7:30, instead of getting up at 7am! LOL!


What's for breakfast and/or lunch today?


Breakfast was cereal for the kids and an English muffin with cream cheese & pumpkin butter for me. Lunch was pasta for the kids and a small helping of leftover steak and mashed potatoes for me. I have not figured out what we're having for dinner. It's probably going to require a trip to the grocery store though since we're running low on everything!


How was your weekend? Do anything special?

It was a very busy weekend...we had 1 football game, 1 birthday party, 1 book club, 3 soccer games, 1 Cub Scout popcorn show-n-sell booth, one fall festival and dance performance, 2 nights of work, 2 church services/Sunday School classes, 1 corn maze and hay ride...and probably some other things that I've forgotten!


What are your plans for today?


My two older kids had dentist appointments this morning, so that took up 2 hours of our day! We are working our way through schoolwork now and simultaneously getting caught up on laundry! I'm going to have to go to the grocery store later this afternoon, if we're planning to eat dinner! :001_huh:

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What's for breakfast and/or lunch today?


Breakfast was coffee. Lunch was soup & sandwiches. Followed by yummy cupcakes that Miss Muffet made yesterday.


How was your weekend? Do anything special?

Celebrated 12 year wedding anniversary yesterday :001_smile: Traded in my BlackBerry for the new Iphone. Was so busy with the iphone - i forgot to do the kids schedules for this week!!!


What are your plans for today?

Kids got the 3Rs done so they are watching chitty chitty bang bang while i get some work done. Then we have piano lessons for Mr R, and a brownie meeting for Miss Muffet where they are doing an early halloween party so costumes & treats.

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Yep, it will remain "Teachers Only. No students." Otherwise, it loses it's purpose.


I remembered while I was in the shower a bit ago that I have an appointment to get my hair done at 12:30. I know I can go to the store and buy color-in-a-box but I've learned that it comes out much better when someone else does it because THEY can actually see the back of my head! :D


DD13 has been assigned to look through Plan-D for 5 dinners and 5 lunches. And then do her math. We'll see what happens with that!

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Don't change to a cabin until your weather cools off some so when it's the middle of Feb. and I'm tired of the cold, brown and gray around here we can think some something more cheerful again.


Breakfast for me was my usual granola with yogurt and berries. Older dd had oatmeal, and younger dd had grits with eggs and butter.


My weekend was terrific. The weather is awesome. We went for a long walk/hike on Saturday after shopping and then hubby and I went to the movies. Sunday, we went to the zoo. The tiger was feeling very frisky and paced back and forth staring at younger dd like a tasty snack until she turned her back on him then he pounced at her! He thumped against the glass right behind her. It was pretty cool to see the tiger pounce. Afterwards, I wonders about my parenting skills since I knew the tiger would pounce at her and didn't warn her. He, however, certainly knows his place in the food chain. We came home from the zoo and watched Scooby Doo.


Today, older dd is trying out a new enrichment program. Younger dd and I took a very long walk. We haven't done school work yet, but we're having a great day. Tonight is cello for older dd and tap dancing for younger.

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Happy Anniversary, CanadianMum!


What's for breakfast and/or lunch today? Lunch was a small piece of ham and some leftover Swiss vegetable medley for me; DS had a burrito, cup of pineapple, and the other piece of ham. I've had a small snack of Chex Mix. Doubt I'll eat much more today, but I'll probably fix the kids dinner. DH is out of town again.


How was your weekend? Do anything special? I had to buy a new laptop. It should arrive tomorrow. The one I'm currently using is nearly six years old and is about to die. It takes me five times as long to do anything. DH has done all he can, and the fact of the matter is that computer death is imminent. I'm awaiting the Final Blue Screen of Death at any moment.


DD got to go to a Halloween party, too. She enjoyed that. DS was also invited but he's 9 and has a mouth that's suddenly appeared along with it, so he was grounded.


What are your plans for today? Laundry. Clean the litter boxes. Sit around tonight while DH is gone, watch sad movies, drink wine, and cry profusely.


Where are you gals?? Just busy teaching!!


By the way, I'm thinking of changing the "Lodge" to a "Cabin". What do you think? Lodge, cabin, whatever....as long as it has a "no children allowed" policy, I'll be there!



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Well, I'm back from said hair appointment. That went well. Seems ds did everything I asked him to do. My dd, on the other hand, only did part of what I wanted her to do.


I tell ya, I'm having such a difficult time getting into the swing of things this year and always having to re-explain things to dd or getting attitude from her constantly, it's . . . well, I don't know. But it doesn't make ME want to give extra effort, kwim?

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