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Switching from Singapore to CLE Math...


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Has anyone switched from Singapore to CLE Math? How did it go? How did your child do with placement? Were they able to just go right to the next level in CLE?


My ds is doing Singapore 3A/3B this year but I'm thinking about switching over to CLE next year. Do you think he would be able to go right into CLE Math 4?



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Just give him the CLE placement test. Don't worry if he doesn't know the measurement conversions. Those spiral a lot in CLE and he can use the reference chart until he knows them.

Also, 401 (or 301, 501, etc) is broken up into pre-tests with extra review if they don't pass the pre-test. So, even if he is missing things here and there, you could use 401 to catch him up, assuming he's not far behind. We just started the 400s. If he knows how to multiply 3 digits by 1 digit and understands the concept of division with a remainder (like 20/3), he should be good. He doesn't need to know the algorithm for long division yet. Also, in 300s he would have learned the concept of decimals as they relate to fractions, but they'll get deeper into that in 400s. He should be pretty solid on his multiplication and division facts, though. If he just needs review, that's fine, but if he needs to actually learn them and learn to skip count, I'd think about starting back in 306ish and just going through quickly.


I hope you like CLE. I considered adding Singapore this year because I thought we were missing out. I also thought I wanted a secular approach (we aren't Christian). I sat down with 4A with my girls and I was shocked to look through and see how much of it they were already doing with CLE. I also knew the layout wouldn't work for my daughter who struggles. CLE is very predictable. It has built her confidence. Totally different approach, but definitely not sub-par! I taught before homeschooling, so I do have other materials that I use occasionally when I really want to work at the conceptual level, but I can't say enough good things about CLE. It just works. (And I have one that excels and one that struggles in math, so we're working from both ends.)


I'm sure SpyCar will try to talk you out of it. :) But you'll find lots of happy CLE users here.


Oh, and you can just call the office with any questions. They are great. We just visited for the first time a few weeks ago. It's a precious place!

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I think the final thread that held us to SM has finally broken. I watch how well my oldest is doing with AoPS without ever having had any experience with SM and realize there are other perfectly good options. :) We switched to all CLE this year, from SM and CLE combo. We are very happy with CLE math. The three using it are all at different points with math and all are doing equally well.

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I'm sure SpyCar will try to talk you out of it. :) But you'll find lots of happy CLE users here.


LOL, yeah I bet he will. :) It's not that I don't like Singapore, in fact, I think it's a top notch math program! But I don't like teaching it! I despise the HIG's and I'm not totally comfortable just teaching from the textbooks, especially now that things are getting a little harder. That's why I was thinking of switching to CLE...it looks so teacher-friendly. And I figure I can add in Singapore's CWP.


Anyway, thanks for your reponses, they really help!

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LOL, yeah I bet he will. :) It's not that I don't like Singapore, in fact, I think it's a top notch math program! But I don't like teaching it! I despise the HIG's and I'm not totally comfortable just teaching from the textbooks, especially now that things are getting a little harder. That's why I was thinking of switching to CLE...it looks so teacher-friendly. And I figure I can add in Singapore's CWP.


Anyway, thanks for your reponses, they really help!


This is me. We just started CLE 201 with Rella. She had completed 12 Lessons in Singapore 2A. From what I can tell, they are very similar with respect to the difficulty. I started at the beginning because I didn't want her, or me, to be confused on their teaching style. She likes it better than Singapore and so do I. We aren't very far into it yet, but I think it's a keeper so far. The Teacher's Manual for CLE is really an answer key with some notes. It's not a lesson like the Singapore Textbook. I like the timed drill pages, which we do right after XtraMath. Right now the two of us are much happier with CLE. :)

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We love CLE Math. I am starting my two younger boys with it next week after trying out R&S for 34 slooow lessons.


I also wanted to say "Hi" to Cindie. Glad to see you back!

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We love CLE Math. I am starting my two younger boys with it next week after trying out R&S for 34 slooow lessons.


I also wanted to say "Hi" to Cindie. Glad to see you back!


Hi, H! Nice to see you, too. We tried R&S for simplicity, but after 12 Lessons, I knew she would get very bored soon. It was great while I waited for CLE to come in, since it was solely math facts.


I wanted to add that we have done Singapore Earlybird, 1AB and part of 2A, so this switch was hard to do. I'm hoping to stay with CLE.


What I love about it:

~The pre-tests give her a sense of accomplishment. We still do the lesson usually, eventhough this is meant to be in place of it, if they ace the pre-test.


~A small speed drill before every lesson mixing up the math facts.


~Several different types of problems in each lesson so it's not boring with lots of mental ones.


~No scripted instructions.

Edited by FairyMom
Had a weird icon attached to my post for some reason...
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I tried Singapore twice, and left it twice. I really wanted to like it because it gets so many rave reviews, but I just hated it. It just was not a good fit for us. Made my daughter frustrated. We went to Horizons and have been very happy. Stayed the same grade both times. Dd was able to skip 6th grade math entirely. So, it's been fine. You'll be just fine without Singapore Math. :lol:

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I tried Singapore twice, and left it twice. I really wanted to like it because it gets so many rave reviews, but I just hated it. It just was not a good fit for us. Made my daughter frustrated. We went to Horizons and have been very happy. Stayed the same grade both times. Dd was able to skip 6th grade math entirely. So, it's been fine. You'll be just fine without Singapore Math. :lol:


Thanks for this. :)



Me too. I needed to hear this as well. :)

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I too have tried Singapore math thinking we were missing out on something. It never worked for my 2nd and third daughters. My oldest took to it and then I switched to BJU math which is similar to Singapore math and she did well with that approach. Problem was she was terrible with her math facts because it wasn't built into the program.

Anyways I used CLE Math as well, am very happy with it and it works well. Its just as good as other math programs out there and if it works and helps your child understand and enjoy math a little more, well then its worth giving it a try for sure.


As for where to start. You really have to give them the diagnostic test. That is the only thing that will tell you were to properly place them. Some people try to figure out where to place them but honestly that can backfire in your face very quickly since CLE introduces some more advanced math concepts in early math versus Singapore where they may not see it until later levels. Also those who do some guessing usually guess wrong and then their child becomes frustrated , then the parent becomes frustrated because the child is frustrated and then they assume the math program didn't work. Well, it was 100% for sure because they didn't have their child take the diagnostic test. I see this very frequently on the Christian Light Families board. Either people leave the math program or they get a level lower than what their child was originally working in with another curriculum. But the first thing I always ask is if they had their child take the diagnostic test and most if not all say, " No." They either assumed their child knew how to do the math , or assumed because Susie was in 3rd grade that she needed to be in the 300 level.


So don't be hung up on grade levels. Even the CLE rep on the yahoo group says they are NOT ment for homeschoolers, but for brick and mortar schools, so please disregard them. Have your child take the diagnostic test, which you can download for free, just type diagnostic test in the search box on their website. Download it, print it out and have them take it. That will tell you exactly were they should be.


There are some families who will use the first (01) Light unit to catch their child up. But really , in all honesty, I don't suggest doing that unless you have a much older child testing into a lower level Light Unit ( for example you have a 13 yr old testing into the 300's). But if you have a young child, just go with what they test in and just keep moving from there. Everyone catches up in the end.

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