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ETC 4.5 or 5?


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My dd struggled with book 4 (flew through all the others) but we moved on to book 5 anyway. I never went back to 4 1/2. We are now on 8 and it asks lots of syllable questions and she's not having any trouble with it. My guess would be if your kids didn't have trouble with 4 you'll be fine without the review.

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Thanks for the input.


We have always used the the 1/2 levels (cause honestly I didn't realize they weren't intended to be used routinely....) I don't think they were a waste of time for my kids though because they still needed to work through them. I had intended to go straight from 4 to 5,and 4 was very easy for them, but it feels like we are "skipping" something, even though we aren't :)

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We have always used the the 1/2 levels (cause honestly I didn't realize they weren't intended to be used routinely....) I don't think they were a waste of time for my kids though because they still needed to work through them. I had intended to go straight from 4 to 5,and 4 was very easy for them, but it feels like we are "skipping" something, even though we aren't :)

Yes, the "half" books aren't just a repeat; they do provide slightly harder material than the "whole" books. I think most people don't realize that because they haven't used any of them.


The only "half" book I used for older DD was 4.5, when she had just turned 6 years old. Looking back at my records, I see that what I did was go through a lesson in ETC 4, then hop over to the relevant pages in ETC 4.5 to reinforce, then back to 4, and so on.


My younger daughter started ETC when she was 4 years old, and flew through ETC 1 and 2. But she wasn't retaining any of the phonics instruction (she's a self-taught sight reader :glare:), so I dropped it. For her K year she's starting with ETC 1.5 and 2.5, and then we'll go back to the "whole number" books for the rest. However, now that I'm reminded of what I did with older DD, maybe I'll do the same for younger DD and interleave ETC 4 & 4.5....

Edited by jplain
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