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Regretting signing up for co-op

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We recently moved 4 hours from "home" and I'm starting to get to know some of our local hs group. The group runs a co-op 1x/week for 4 weeks in the morning. I held off signing up waiting to hear exactly what the kids would be doing but was then informed that the teachers figure all that out after they see how many kids and what age groups there are. So, I reluctantly went ahead and signed up - thinking it would be a good opportunity for us to get to know some people.


It starts tomorrow and I don't want to go.


It's a 45 min drive for me and I don't have a good feeling about it. The things the kids are slated to be learning about don't really float my boat. BUT - I'm signed up, as part of the co-op, to help in 2 different areas over the morning. So if I bail now they are left short staffed. Now, I'm only a "helper" but I wouldn't want to be the teacher who arrives tomorrow morning to find out that I don't have the helper I was expecting. Neither do I want the reputation of the person who bailed at the last minute, especially as a first impression.


Maybe I'll go flatten the tire on my van so I have a good excuse.... :D

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You're only committed to go four times, right? *Go*. It's not a huge commitment, maybe you'll meet some other moms with whom you can connect, if you don't go you'll put others in a difficult position... Maybe it'll be great. :)


And if not, well, four meetings isn't bad. :)

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Melissa, when I saw the part about your tire, I laughed. Dd did not want to go to her enrichment program today. It's a fantastic Christian program. It's dropoff; I'm not usually there unless I'm volunteering. I think dd enjoys it for the most part; she just thinks about it too much ahead of time. Anyway, I said the usual this is your Thurs. schedule, you will be fine stuff (several times). We finally get to the car. It will NOT start. I said to dd, "You haven't been praying for car trouble have you??" She grinned and started singing God answers prayer. :lol: A neighbor offered to jumpstart the car, but I didn't have the heart to accept his offer.

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It's only four weeks right? I'd probably just go. It may pleasantly surprise you. If not, hey, it's a short time commitment. :)


maybe it will be surprisingly wonderful :)


You're only committed to go four times, right? *Go*. It's not a huge commitment, maybe you'll meet some other moms with whom you can connect, if you don't go you'll put others in a difficult position... Maybe it'll be great. :)


And if not, well, four meetings isn't bad. :)


Let us know how it went :)


Thanks for the encouragement. I am hopeful! So far, I have felt like I don't really fit with this group...mostly because of different religious perspectives (it is a much more conservative group than that to which I was accustomed) so my hope is somewhat reserved, but I am admittedly lonely and the kids are really wishing for friends. So I remain hopeful! I think that finding out it was a good 45 min away was just *one more thing* against it, iykwim. Today was the first time I was given the definite location, topics for the classes and time.


I'll report back after tomorrow. ;)

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Melissa, when I saw the part about your tire, I laughed. Dd did not want to go to her enrichment program today. It's a fantastic Christian program. It's dropoff; I'm not usually there unless I'm volunteering. I think dd enjoys it for the most part; she just thinks about it too much ahead of time. Anyway, I said the usual this is your Thurs. schedule, you will be fine stuff (several times). We finally get to the car. It will NOT start. I said to dd, "You haven't been praying for car trouble have you??" She grinned and started singing God answers prayer. :lol: A neighbor offered to jumpstart the car, but I didn't have the heart to accept his offer.



That IS funny! :lol: I like the way she thinks! ;)

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Thanks for the encouragement. I am hopeful! So far, I have felt like I don't really fit with this group...mostly because of different religious perspectives (it is a much more conservative group than that to which I was accustomed) so my hope is somewhat reserved, but I am admittedly lonely and the kids are really wishing for friends. So I remain hopeful! I think that finding out it was a good 45 min away was just *one more thing* against it, iykwim. Today was the first time I was given the definite location, topics for the classes and time.


I'll report back after tomorrow. ;)

Is there only a co-op and no support group?

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I agree that you should go - 4 weeks is a minimal commitment, even at 45 mins away, and this is a group of ladies you are likely to encounter many times over the next few years - a first impression of "lady who says she'll do things & then drops out at the last minute" probably wouldn't go over well... :D

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I know the feeling, but...go. It'll be fine. It's just 4 days out of the entire school year.


You're right. And I will go - I was just expressing that feeling of not *wanting* to go. Dh immediately said to stay home but I know that I'm obligated at this point.

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Is there only a co-op and no support group?


Well....there is the co-op and then various other activities, including a mom's coffee night once a month, but not exactly what I'd call a support group. When we were moving here and heard of all that this group does I thought it sounded so much better than my old group, which met just once a week for the kids to have phys. ed. while the moms chatted. Now that I'm here I'm finding that there is so much going on that people really pick and choose and so far it's meant a lack of cohesiveness for me - a lack of seeing and bonding with the same ladies week after week. Sometimes less is more I guess!

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I agree that you should go - 4 weeks is a minimal commitment, even at 45 mins away, and this is a group of ladies you are likely to encounter many times over the next few years - a first impression of "lady who says she'll do things & then drops out at the last minute" probably wouldn't go over well... :D


Very true and good perspective! I know it's definitely not the first impression I want to give. I'm a little nervous about what sort of religious slant things might take and one of my kids' classes in particular is really not "neutral" like I was hoping it might have been. However, I'll try to reserve my judgment until after at least one week!! ;)

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Well....there is the co-op and then various other activities, including a mom's coffee night once a month, but not exactly what I'd call a support group. When we were moving here and heard of all that this group does I thought it sounded so much better than my old group, which met just once a week for the kids to have phys. ed. while the moms chatted. Now that I'm here I'm finding that there is so much going on that people really pick and choose and so far it's meant a lack of cohesiveness for me - a lack of seeing and bonding with the same ladies week after week. Sometimes less is more I guess!

See, that's what a support group is: casual support, which can be ramped up to include things like occasional field trips and whatnot. It leaves the parents free to actually stay home and teach their children...what a concept! :D


Actually, a weekly park day is too much for me. I like a monthly park day, and a monthly Moms' Night Out. We all get to see each other at the park day and MNO, and we have time to meet informally with our kindred spirits.

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See, that's what a support group is: casual support, which can be ramped up to include things like occasional field trips and whatnot. It leaves the parents free to actually stay home and teach their children...what a concept! :D


Actually, a weekly park day is too much for me. I like a monthly park day, and a monthly Moms' Night Out. We all get to see each other at the park day and MNO, and we have time to meet informally with our kindred spirits.


Yes, our last group felt much more like a support group. This one is just so busy! It's stressing me out! :lol:

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So how did it go?


It was okay....I chatted with some ladies I hadn't met before, helping out where I was slotted went fine. I don't think any great value came out of the class time for my kids (in fact, if I wanted to be really picky I could take issue with a few things - like - "the leaves fall off the trees because Jesus wants to give them new clothes and knows they are tired of holding on to the tree" !!!!) but they did get a gym time where they were able to play some of the big group games they don't often get a chance to play. And they got to pack and take a snack - a big highlight! ;) We will certainly stick with it but I'm not convinced we'll be signing up again.

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