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How much algebra is needed for Spectrum Chemistry?

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Next year, my two oldest sons still at home will be grades 9 and 11. The older of the two has just finished Lial's Intro Algebra, doing well, though with work. The younger of the two is still only halfway through Lial's Prealgebra and has a hard time with math in general.


I was planning to have the gr 11 son do Spectrum Chemistry next year but couldn't decide what to have the younger one do. Now I'm wondering if it would be worth trying to have both of them do perhaps Conceptual Physics next year, and save chemistry for the following year, when they would be grades 10 and 12. At that point, I hope the younger of the two would be at least partway through Intro Algebra and would continue with it through the year. Would that be feasible? Or does he really need all of intro algebra under his belt before even beginning chemistry (my dreaded science!) ? I do know that the publishers of Spectrum also offer a Bridge Math program to use before tackling their chem course; if you've used it, is it particularly helpful? TIA.

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While I cannot comment on Spectrum Chemistry, I want to give you a heads up on Conceptual Physics. If you are using the popular Hewitt text, a knowledge of basic algebra is required. A student in this course needs to be comfortable with literal equations (ex. solving F = Gmn/d^2 for m) and be familiar with scientific notation. While the mathematics in the Hewett book does not involve trig, there is still a fair amount of basic algebra encountered in the material and in the "Plug and Chug" problems at the end of each chapter.



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My daughter did well with Algebra 1 but found Spectrum Chemistry horribly difficult, even with the Bridge Math. I wish that I had saved it until after she had completed both Alg 1 and 2. I gave her a C and we both hate seeing it ruin her average but....well, she just did not do very well.

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Would you consider Spectrum Chemistry to be more difficult than Apologia? We are going to be using Spectrum for the first time next year with my second son -- after only using Apologia for all sciences with the first. Thanks for any observations you might want to share. ~Brigid

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My daughter did well with Algebra 1 but found Spectrum Chemistry horribly difficult, even with the Bridge Math. I wish that I had saved it until after she had completed both Alg 1 and 2. I gave her a C and we both hate seeing it ruin her average but....well, she just did not do very well.
Really? Oh dear. I was thinking of possibly doing Spectrum Chemistry with my ds 14 who is not that great in math. He'll be in 9th grade this coming year. Hopefully he'll do well and can be ready for it in 10th grade and after doing the Bridge math!



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And she's not great at math. What she found difficult was that Spectrum was TOO concise at times. We went with Spectrum because after 3 years of Apologia books, she felt she needed something less wordy and Spectrum seemed to fit the bill. But there were times she needed more explanation and when that happened, she called her sister and received further explanation. (sis is in grad school as a polymer chemist)

So at first I thought it was the math that was hindering her but it wasn't.

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My ds is finishing up The Spectrum now. He did algebra last year (using Jacobs) and did Geometry this year. We did do the Bridge Math book--I highly recommend it. Students should have good algebra skills coming in, but the "science math" is just a little different and Bridge math helps them learn to apply what they learned in algebra specifically to science problems. In fact, I plan to have ds do Conceptual Physics next year and I think the bridge math will carry over and help him with the necessary problem solving in that as well. Spectrum is not easy--my ds who likes science (biology is really his thing) found it difficult at times, but also very interesting, especially the labs. He's got another month or so to go before he finishes.

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I just looked in my Bridge Math Teacher's Helper to refresh my memory. There are 19 lessons, and they are intended to be done one lesson a day, three times a week (taking less than 7 weeks). My ds, the king of procrastination, managed to drag it out for several months. You can do Bridge math concurrent w/ Spectrum Chemistry; your student doesn't need to finish Bridge Math before starting Chem. In fact, in the notes from Dr. Dobbins, he said that some students who have only had pre-algebra have done fine. The algebra used in the course requires basic manipulation of algebraic equations w/ exponents. HTH!

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I just looked in my Bridge Math Teacher's Helper to refresh my memory. There are 19 lessons, and they are intended to be done one lesson a day, three times a week (taking less than 7 weeks). My ds, the king of procrastination, managed to drag it out for several months. You can do Bridge math concurrent w/ Spectrum Chemistry; your student doesn't need to finish Bridge Math before starting Chem. In fact, in the notes from Dr. Dobbins, he said that some students who have only had pre-algebra have done fine. The algebra used in the course requires basic manipulation of algebraic equations w/ exponents. HTH!



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