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Teachers Lodge 10-18-2011

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It's Tuesday!


We're opening early this morning because we'll be heading out on a field trip this morning to the Halle Heart Museum. Not feeling super-enthused about going anywhere this morning but the kids already know about it! :tongue_smilie:


What's for lunch/breakfast? Breakfast is eggs & toast that hubby made. Lunch will probably be Lunchables with fruit.


Going anywhere today? Just our field trip. And ds and dh have AWANA tonight.


Can someone please tell me where the nap room is? ;)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning.

Shh - don't tell anyone I'm on a conference call about self-service information management. I need more coffee, and I need to pay attention.


Breakfast is still my granola, yogurt, and berries for me. It is gf pancakes for the kids.


Today? Going to Outback for dinner because it's the little one's birthday, and she wanted steak for dinner. She's on a field trip at a pioneer historic park today. Hubby and older dd have pottery this afternoon. I think I will be in this chair, on this call for the rest of the morning.


No naps. More coffee.


Enjoy your field trip today.

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I hate Tuesdays. I can say that here, right?


Lunch will probably be frozen organic quesadillas or burritos. Breakfast was oatmeal for the kids; I didn't have time to eat.


This is why I hate Tuesdays: I have to get up, get all the morning chores done as well as make a stack of DS' work to bring with us, and head out the door with both kids to take DD to school. After we drop her off, DS and I head to the allergist's office so he can get his allergy shot and we can sit for 30 minutes. We come home, and I start dinner in the crockpot while he continues working. At 1:20, we leave the house again so he can attend swim team practice on the other side of town from 2-3. We race from swim team practice back to my side of town to pick up DD from school (I have to be there before 3:25 or they put her in aftercare and charge me $2.50 for the privilege), then go back halfway across town for her violin lesson at 4. I usually quiz her on spelling words and/or make her do her homework in the car. After her violin lesson ends at 4:30, we head back home and I fix whatever side dish is accompanying supper. Once a month I have to eat early so I can attend a PTA meeting at the school (I got drafted - I LOST the election but subsequently got drafted - to be the PTA vice-chair).


Tuesdays are horrendously exhausting. I would also like to know where the nap room is!!!

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Not feeling super-enthused about going anywhere this morning but the kids already know about it! :tongue_smilie: I have started not telling my kids about field trips until we're on the way there...that way if something comes up or if I'm just not in the mood for it, I can cancel without disappointing the kids!


What's for lunch/breakfast? Breakfast was pumpkin pancakes for the kids and ham & cheese quiche for me. Lunch will probably be sandwiches for the kids and more ham & cheese quiche for me! LOL! Dinner will either be chicken quesadillas with rice & beans or pasta and salad.


Edited by MamaAkins
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Breakfast - 2 eggs, Ezekiel bread English muffins (I've never had these before but it's supposed to be a lower glycemic index.


Lunch - salad with protein to be determined.


I like Tuesdays because I don't have to go out today - except to the Y tonight for Zumba!


Nap - for the first time, lately, I'm not looking forward to a nap. I slept a bit late today and I feel great:) Of course that can change and fatigue can strike at any time.

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Nap Room!? I've never seen this elusive room! I would have loved to have out in one yesterday!


Today has gone like this so far: wake with hubby at 4:45, make his lunch, wish him luck on his exam, get him out the door, sit down, eat some pear 'flip-flop' for breakfast and crochet more on son's Christmas blanket while watching something on Netflix. Check webiste to see if they've got some hermit crab shells for my new little hermie, Herman, :D..they're out of a couple that I want...will call later.


Get kids up for 7 because I haven't heard any alarms go off in their rooms-probably because I forgot to remind them to turn them on yesterday. Find that DD is really stuffy today (caught the cold I brought home a couple of weeks ago after a flight from N.C., which I passed to DH and now her...). Shoot off an email to her piano teacher to let her know and see what she wants to do.


Get animals fed, then breakfast-someone squeals because someone else drank almost all the milk. Quickly make a little powdered milk to mix with the little bit of milk left in container and all is well.


Head out to the barn to feed horses and sheep, get horses groomed and tacked with DD so that we can do some training. Took my younger horse out with her afterwards for a walk to allow the horse we worked to cool down properly. Actually remembered to take the camera this time and snap some photos.




Piano teacher emails back and says to keep DD home, no need to share a cold and that she can just practice a little extra if she feels up to it.


Go online look at some bridles to match DD's saddle, get sticker shock at some of them and save the site to continue with later.


Now I'm off to check a couple more posts and grade DS's math work before we have to leave for his guitar practice and the grocery store.


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OK - I guess I did leave the house after all. I let the disabled dog out to do her business and the supposedly indoor cat went dashing out the door and across the lawn. It is still before breakfast here and I'm in my bathrobe and my uncombed hair looks like a rat's nest. The cat was refusing to stop and went into my neighbors lawn. I was running around the neighborhood in my slippers, clutching at my bathrobe to keep it from flying open . . . I did get a very unrepentant cat back finally. Hmmph. I wonder what this says about my plans for a sedate day?

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Y'all are funny! Yes it's okay to say you don't like something here. Jean, what a visual!

Jenn, the straight jackets are in the closet next to the nap room and the padded room is on the other side of that. It's just FINDING it that's the challenge! :D


Speaking of which, I think I found mine. Time for a nap!

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What is pear flip-flop? I picture you sitting down with a knife and fork to eat a shoe but I know that isn't right!


LOL, that's similar to what my son said when I said I was going to make it!

Think of an upside down cake...that's sort of what it is. A simple batter poured over melted butter in a deep dish pie plate, chopped or sliced pears dropped on top (or peaches, strawberries, blueberries, etc). Cook for 45 minutes, the fruit sinks to the bottome and presto, a fruit flip flop. LOL. Best served warm

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LOL, that's similar to what my son said when I said I was going to make it!

Think of an upside down cake...that's sort of what it is. A simple batter poured over melted butter in a deep dish pie plate, chopped or sliced pears dropped on top (or peaches, strawberries, blueberries, etc). Cook for 45 minutes, the fruit sinks to the bottome and presto, a fruit flip flop. LOL. Best served warm


Mmm. Sounds much better than a shoe! :drool5:

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