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Would this be the right way to handle this?? WWYD?

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Ok, try to picture this as I describe it. Originally on our street there were 3 houses with 1 acre each. The other 2 have long rectangular acres while we have a square acre. The middle house put a house next to theirs and behind theirs, all within their acre. One of the houses he sold to his friend and the other is a party house for his teenagers :glare: We live on the end. We have a round driveway. It is not a cul-de-sac, our property starts at the beginning of the split for our driveway. The 3 houses on the 1 acre share a big industrial sized dumpster. Its at the edge of our property facing our house. One side of the circular drive way is about 45-50 ft?? I am just guessing I could be way off- but that is all gravel. We want to put a single wide trailer there facing our house blocking the neighbors from using our drive way as a turn around (they have ran over more of our dc toys and nearly hit our vehicles more than I care to remember flying through there drunk after parties at the party house :glare:) We want to turn that trailer into our school house (Kitchen would be our science lab, living room the main school area, depending on how many bedrooms we would probably put a guess bedrooom or 2 but we also want a reading nook in 1 and a room for a library room so we can buy book and have somewhere to set them all up nicely. We are going to try for a 3-4bedroom trailer) We want rspace filled with centers for my younger ds's, areas to keep lego sets set up, puzzles so the kids don't have to destroy what they are working on at the end of the day.



Now, here is my question. Where we want to put it, it would block the garbage lady from picking up the neighbors trash. There is no way to put it so it wouldn't. The way our street is set up the only other way to get to it would be to use the road behind us (the party house has a driveway that goes from that street to our street) They set it up like that because our house had sat vacant for a time and I guess never though somebody would buy the house (research your neighbors better before buying a house :glare:). I don't know how long but we did have a bunch of plumbing issues from that time so it was not a short time I don't think. Would it be reasonable to give the trash lady and the neighbors a few months notice to figure out here/ how to move that? Or should we be forced to give up our dream of putting a single wide on our property for our school house?


We have some home improvements we want to do to our house and yard this coming spring, that is when I think we are going to lay the foundation. The year after we are going put it in I think. So once the foundation is laid our property is off limits.



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I would tell the neighbors they need to start using their own driveway.


I completely understand using the driveway of a house standing empty for some time, but really can't understand why anyone would think it's ok to continue once the property is occupied. That's just rude.

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I completely understand using the driveway of a house standing empty for some time, but really can't understand why anyone would think it's ok to continue once the property is occupied. That's just rude.




It is, but the fact that we got them to stop throwing all their beer bottles and got their broken down cars out of our yard after a HUGE fight about it we decided to let that go- UNTIL they started hitting our dc's toys and bikes and stuff. We really do live in a nice area, but have a horrible neighbor :glare: That is one of the biggest reasons we want the school house to block them. I just don't want to see their yard anymore.

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I think it is perfectly reasonable to let the garbage person and the neighbors know you are going to be building there in the spring. After you let them know, drive in some stakes and put up some bright orange tape marking off the foundation this fall so they have time to "get used" to using their own driveways.....

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I think it is perfectly reasonable to let the garbage person and the neighbors know you are going to be building there in the spring. After you let them know, drive in some stakes and put up some bright orange tape marking off the foundation this fall so they have time to "get used" to using their own driveways.....


I would especially make a point (after notifying the neighbors) to call the trash company. Give them notice that they can no longer use your property to empty the neighbors dumpster and must move/remove it. Let it be between them and your neighbor what to do with it. Surely the trash people will realize that to continue to come on your property would be trespassing and will insist to the neighbor that something has to change to continue service from them.

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Call the garbage service and request they move the dumpster from/away from your property and they will no longer be using your property as a turn around. Put a chain/tree logs across your driveway to block vehicles from turning around in your driveway.


We had to resort to putting a chain across the driveway (hooked to trees on either side) with a lock. It is a pain to have to unlock and lock to get in and out but so worth it to keep others out.


Edited to add: I would not even bother talking with the unreasonable neighbors. They need no (nor deserve any) fair warning.

Edited by Caledonia Academy
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Is there a land use issue with this? Our county wouldn't let you just put up another residence without a hearing. No, YOU don't plan on living in it, but if you sell or you need a mother-in-law's apartment... What about a septic? They're not going to let you hook up to an existing system, more than likely. If you do have to do a land use change, the neighbors can squawk about the increased density. How long have they been using your driveway? If 17 years, in our state, they have an adverse use claim--they own a right-of-way.



No there is no existing laws about this. We checked into it. I was very happy! I can't wait to have a school house!! It just has to be in 'good taste' We are going to put the log cabin siding on it :D If the neighbors can put an ORANGE house on their property that is a party house I can't see how a log cabin sided single wide would not be in good taste. Basically what they mean by that is in good repair, enough room so its not crowding other structures. Ofcourse that would be the case!! I don't know but we have lived here for 4 1/2 years and we guesstimate it was vacant for anywhere from 9 mo to a year and a half. When we moved in the neighbors were moving in again- he had moved out while the marriage was bad and the lady ended up moving out of state about a month before we got here so we all moved back in at the same time. No, they have no legal right in our driveway.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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