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Looks like we are moving back home to TN

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And I have mixed feelings :confused:


For many reasons, my dh and I have decided to move back home to TN, to be near family again. While I am excited about going back home, the kids and I will miss living here very much. We've made some great friends, and rather enjoy the perks of a big city. And I LOVE our house.


On the other hand, we'll be moving back to old friends and family, and we'll be moving out into the country with some acreage....something that is very appealing. Garden. Chickens. We'll be able to help out with aging relatives, and hopefully help to build up the church that my dh grew up in.


One of my kids is REALLY happy about it. One is ok with it either way. And one is torn right down the middle about it, just like I am.


I am NOT looking forward to the process of moving AGAIN. (this will be the 23rd time in my life...:lol:)


I haven't told any of my friends here yet...probably will come up today though. :(


No real point to this post...lol.

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We moved back "home" last year too. I had totally mixed feelings, I dislike snow for one thing.


We finally live in a home I could see staying in forever. We generally move every 5 years, I've *never* said that about any house. My son gets to be around my parents, whom he adores and missed.


My dh ended up having some major health issues this summer. My parent's support made a huge difference. I really don't think dh or I would have made it through the summer without them. I don't say that lightly.


:grouphug: It's not easy to make these decisions.

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My dh ended up having some major health issues this summer. My parent's support made a huge difference. I really don't think dh or I would have made it through the summer without them. I don't say that lightly.


:grouphug: It's not easy to make these decisions.


This was the final straw for us, so to speak. We had been considering it when his parents started having some health issues. Then dh had this perforated colon, and the nightmare of that has helped us make the decision..

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