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Latin/Greek Questions


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I'm wanting to give an introduction to Latin and/or Greek but I don't want the written work yet. I want them hearing it and speaking it and I want it on DVD (asking too much?) Is there a program where I can just play DVD's for exposure and verbal/auditory/visual learning so they aren't reading/seeing it written just yet?

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The Latin for children dvd's are instructor led and with each chapter there are children on the DVD "chanting" the lesson vocabulary. There is also a companion cd with the chants for each chapter. You could probably go through the lessons one time like that and then circle back to the workbook when the reading/writing improves. I took a similar approach with ssl because we started it very early. We listened to the songs for several weeks before we started the written lessons. Looking back I probably could have just used the lfc dvd's with no written work until she was ready.


Also, if you purchase the Greek alphabet CDs cracker boknthey have flashcards for the alphabet & mp3's of the letters and letters & sounds in song format.


Prima Latina also comes with a pronunciation cd. We did it and it reinforced English grammar and taught dd a lot of derivatives but both dd & I were pretty bored with it.

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The Latin for children dvd's are instructor led and with each chapter there are children on the DVD "chanting" the lesson vocabulary. There is also a companion cd with the chants for each chapter. You could probably go through the lessons one time like that and then circle back to the workbook when the reading/writing improves. I took a similar approach with ssl because we started it very early. We listened to the songs for several weeks before we started the written lessons. Looking back I probably could have just used the lfc dvd's with no written work until she was ready.


Also, if you purchase the Greek alphabet CDs cracker boknthey have flashcards for the alphabet & mp3's of the letters and letters & sounds in song format.


Prima Latina also comes with a pronunciation cd. We did it and it reinforced English grammar and taught dd a lot of derivatives but both dd & I were pretty bored with it.


I like this idea if there's no other options! Yes, PL is boring!!! There are no words on the screen for the LfC DVD's? Is it JUST chanting the vocab? What else is on there? I wish there was a Latin program similar to Speekee for spanish. Only, bilingual and not just all in the new language.

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Perhaps I'll pick up the SSG and we'll learn to say the phrases in both languages since I have SSL, assuming they cover the same phrases each lesson. Then maybe use the LfC DVD's or I guess let the older two cycle back through SSL and SSG with the workbooks while the little ones only listen to the CD...IDK!!!! :confused: I'm always confused though, so what's new? LOL


I hope there's something out there that will better fit what I"m looking for. I REALLY REALLY want to be able to pop in a fun DVD and have it say the words and if nothing else, show pictures to represent them, KWIM?!



ETA: And apparently, SSL TWO will follow. More options...eek!!

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There are words on the screen & after the vocabulary section there is a grammar lesson which explains the why/what of the chants. There are also some story vignettes between chapters that are in English & Latin with words from the lessons and some new words which you can figure out from the context of story. Dd really likes those & the animated stories in the website.


We did ssl then prima Latina because she was young and it seemed easier than lfc. After finishing pl i decided I would rather go slowly through something we both enjoyed so we started lfc. We've been doing greek alphabet code cracker and I'm probably going to add ssg at some point. She wants to do it now but I've challenged her to learn all the letters and sounds first.

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My daughter and I have been doing the Minimus the Mouse Latin series. I only bought the book, so I can't vouch directly for the CD, but we love the book, which is cartoon style. It is a British publication.


Here is a link to the publisher, Cambridge University Press): http://www.minimus-etc.co.uk/#


The website includes a variety of supplemental resources that can be download for free.


Much of the Minimus materials are available in the United States through Amazon.


The only reason I did not get the CD is that we are using ecclesiastical pronunciation, and I suspect the CD is classical pronunciation.


The publisher describes the series as being for 7 and up, but I think it would be great for younger kids, too. Although it is not a CD or DVD-based course per se, it is pretty kit friendly. It has inspired a fair amount of basic Latin conversation at our house.


We also bought the Song School Latin book and CD, which we have been using as a supplement to Minimus. I am not overly impressed by it, but my daughter has learned the songs.

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I know you mentioned wanting more than just the CD and songs on Song SChool Latin, but I have found SSL extremely useful in getting our feet wet. I think it motivated me just as much as my girls. We started when they were too young to write and I incorporated lots of games and dances with each song to help emphasze the vocab. Also, the HeadVentureland website offers a large amount of free resources. Videos with real people, cartoons using the vocab, free coloring pages, flash games etc. I feel we were able to have a nice laid back and fun approach to it this way.

I did a blog post awhile back on starting with young kids on it and followed up here after we started the workbook.

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