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Classical Conversations timeline hand motions


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I found a lot of videos on youtube with the hand motions for the CC timeline, but I'm noticing that they don't all use the same motions. Are people supposed to make up their own? Or does CC give hand motions, and some people have just chosen to substitute their own?

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Also, if I wanted to do the memory work with my kids, what would I need from CC? Just their Foundation Guide? Or are the audio and cards necessary? Does the Foundation Guide contain all the info and the audio and cards are just nice extras?

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The Foundations Guide contains the detail history sentences, Latin, English grammar, geography, math, and science facts. It also has suggested fine arts (drawing, tin whistle / music theory, art projects modeled after famous artists, and intro to the orchestra). They also have a suggested weekly science experiment (details in separate books), as well as a Bible segment that you spend the year on.


The Veritas Press timeline cards are completely separate, so if you want the high-level overview timeline, you have to purchase that in addition to the guide.


The Foundations audio CDs are worth their weight in gold. The have all of the facts listed in the guide.


For the timeline, CC did not provide a song or hand movements, so a few groups have come up with their own, and so many CC groups use the same ones.


If I was trying to do it on my own, I would buy the CC Foundations Guide & audio, as well as the VP cards.

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Thanks for the replies. Do I really need the VP cards? I thought maybe I could just find our own pictures to go along with each timeline item.


You won't HAVE the timeline items. The only thing in the Foundations Guide is "VP Blue 1, VP Blue 2," etc. So you won't know what is on the VP Blue 1 card without buying them. They can't list the full name b/c they don't want to violate the copyright - they want you to actually buy the cards.

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CC is going to be offering their own timeline cards after the new year as well as a new curriculum guide from what I heard. The new timeline cards will have a song as well. They may even update other stuff from what I am only guessing:tongue_smilie:


That REALLY stinks for those of us who are new this year, and who JUST invested $100 in the VP timeline cards, $50 in the Foundations Guide, etc. etc. with the assurance that these items could be used for years to come.


Do you know how similar the CC timeline cards will be to the VP cards? I am hoping we can continue to use the VP ones and not replace them yet.

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That REALLY stinks for those of us who are new this year, and who JUST invested $100 in the VP timeline cards, $50 in the Foundations Guide, etc. etc. with the assurance that these items could be used for years to come.


Do you know how similar the CC timeline cards will be to the VP cards? I am hoping we can continue to use the VP ones and not replace them yet.


We are new too. Our director is going to have us use the current cards for the rest of this school year from what I understand. You could ask your director and classical conversations. I agree that monetarily it stinks:(.

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Our director is going to have us use the current cards for the rest of this school year from what I understand.


That's almost worse. I have only opened the first two packs. If we are switching over halfway through the year, I would be able to return the unopened ones, right? But if we use these for the remainder of this year, I would have to use them, THEN purchase more. Grrr. I really would have just skipped the timeline and focused on everything else had I known up front that they were changing. Wouldn't be so bad except the rep at our homeschool conference went on and on and on about how they were expensive, but you would get YEARS of use out of the cards, and the Foundations Guide had just been revised so wouldn't be changed again any time soon. Surely the rep knew.

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That's almost worse. I have only opened the first two packs. If we are switching over halfway through the year, I would be able to return the unopened ones, right? But if we use these for the remainder of this year, I would have to use them, THEN purchase more. Grrr. I really would have just skipped the timeline and focused on everything else had I known up front that they were changing. Wouldn't be so bad except the rep at our homeschool conference went on and on and on about how they were expensive, but you would get YEARS of use out of the cards, and the Foundations Guide had just been revised so wouldn't be changed again any time soon. Surely the rep knew.


I see your point. Our director gave us a heads up and also gave us the option to try and do without the cards this year. I chose to get them since I felt it would be helpful to my son. I don't relish buying cards and a guide again though.

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Wow. I'm glad I know all this now. I've actually been copying down the timeline list from the Youtube videos so I can start my kids learning it right away. I didn't really think of it as an infringement of copyright. As I've been writing, I've been thinking about other individuals I'd like to add in. (I can't believe they left Shakespeare out! And I want to put in some important individuals in British history.) There's no way I'm spending $100 on the cards only to have them revise them all next year. I think I'm going to need to make my own list of important events in history for the timeline. I've already been doing it for history sentences as well. Maybe I don't even need to bother buying the Foundations guide. I've got all the grammar definitions and lists from FLL, and I made a list for science memorization last year that we've already gotten started on. I've got songs for geography and have a list of presidents and monarchs of England. Have I got everything covered? Is there anything else in the guide to make it worth my $50?

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Wow. I'm glad I know all this now. I've actually been copying down the timeline list from the Youtube videos so I can start my kids learning it right away. I didn't really think of it as an infringement of copyright. As I've been writing, I've been thinking about other individuals I'd like to add in. (I can't believe they left Shakespeare out! And I want to put in some important individuals in British history.) There's no way I'm spending $100 on the cards only to have them revise them all next year. I think I'm going to need to make my own list of important events in history for the timeline. I've already been doing it for history sentences as well. Maybe I don't even need to bother buying the Foundations guide. I've got all the grammar definitions and lists from FLL, and I made a list for science memorization last year that we've already gotten started on. I've got songs for geography and have a list of presidents and monarchs of England. Have I got everything covered? Is there anything else in the guide to make it worth my $50?

I would consider waiting IMO since it may be available in a few months.

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Hmmm, I haven't heard about the implementation of new cards this year. I do know that cards have been in the works for a while now. I have an old Foundations guide. They updated the year I joined, I kept the original and wrote the changes in or actually had an e-mail of changes that I pasted into the old guide. I will be doing the same if there is a new guide, which I have only heard hints of. Of course out here in the west, we get news a little slow at times. :tongue_smilie:


I do not know what I will do with the cards. I will be looking over them for changes from VP and seeing if I can make do with the VP. I get wanting to own your own timeline. I am pretty positive that they can do little else than name the card number without violating copyright laws. It would be easier to have your own, I consider it a growing pain. However, like I said earlier, I am going to try to use the VP cards like I have continued with the guide.

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The new cards are being phased in over the next 3 or 4 years. So in our program anyone a certain age and up will stay on the VP cards. I think it's anyone 3rd grade and up will use VP for the rest of their years in CC. Talk to you director about not switching over right now.


We will essentially have 2 versions being used at our community until 2015 (I think) which is the official switch over time. Some families will be split, but there is a plan in place for them too. PM me if you more explanation on that.


Also they have a great resell value.

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Do you know when they will be available? And will the whole set be available immediately, or will it be introduced in sections, part one one year, part two the next, etc? I tried ringing them, but they're closed for Columbus Day. I forgot all about Columbus Day. :001_unsure:

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And the CC cards are much more comprehensive and expandable!! They are amazing!!!


I am choosing to split my family because I want to use the new ones, but my older 2 already have the other memorized! So just my younger ones will do the new one.


How have you seen the new CC cards?

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After spending hours and hours memorizing the VP timeline cards, there is no way that we are starting over on a different set. NO WAY! This is our first year, so we are not even finished with this set. It would be absolute torture to start again next year. This would probably be a deal breaker for us if it were required immediately. I honestly don't love the VP timeline. I wish the new timeline had been out for this year. :(

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I'm not sure who you mean 'left Shakespeare out' but VP definitely does quite a bit of Shakespeare. VP cards were never developed to be used solely as a memory tool without learning and context. There is much more to each card and the learning involved with it than the title of the card. CC focuses on memory work without context so while VP cards were available and to some extent fit a need CC had, they just don't mesh in philosophy. If your focus is to do CC memory work and you can get the new CC cards, I would sell VP and go the CC card route since I would assume they are developing their cards to be a memory tool. If you want to use the cards as a bridge to expanding your history studies at home, then keep the VP cards.



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I don't own the VP cards. I've just been re-reading The Core and thinking about integrating the idea of memorizing a timeline. I was considering whether or not to buy the CC Foundations materials or to do something on my own. I realize that VP didn't create their cards to be used for a memory timeline, so I shouldn't be surprised that they didn't include a card for Shakespeare. I guess I was more surprised that CC would use a set of cards for their timeline that didn't include him or Napoleon or several other very important individuals. I'm surprised that they didn't create their own set of cards when they first wrote their program. I mean it wouldn't have been that tremendous of a project.


I did phone them today to get more details about the new cards. They are coming out on the first of the new year, but the lady I spoke with didn't know what content would be different in them. She's going to find out and e-mail me.

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Hmmm.... I just saw this thread and noticed that someone has seen the new CC cards? Do they have resources for additional reading like veritas cards? Pretty pictures?


I understand them making the switch... but man, so much money we just spent to buy veritas cards and a guide. And so much effort put into memorizing it. I absolutely cannot fathom starting over on a different timeline after two or more years spent practicing the current one. I just wish this switch would have happened before or after my kids are out of foundations. :001_huh:

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