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I know many of you use the AWANA curriculum so I wanted to put my question on the forum.

We are new to AWANA this year and started a little late so we're working to catch up.

My daughter is in Sparks and it is her first year so I think she's supposed to be in the Hanglider book. She is working on her First Flight Booklet but I was hoping to teach her some extra verses this week to help her catch up.

Can anyone tell me which verses come next in the Hanglider book? Are the verses in NIV?

What verse is after John 3:16?


Thank you!!!

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We are working on the next one right now :)


1 John 4:14 The Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the World.


They need to know that the S in Sparks stands for Savior.


Yes the verses are NIV


then P is for power and verse Psalm 147:5


then A is for according to scriptures and I Cor 15:3.


have fun!! my boys love it


also http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=312421 a bunch of us chatting

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So, for the next 2 verses, is it the entire verse or a specific part?


I noticed it was not the entire portion of 1 John 4:14.


"Great is our Lord and mighty in power" is all the have to learn of Psalm 147:5 (and P is for pover)


"Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures" is all they have to learn of I Cor 15:3 9and A is for according to the scriptures).





am I the only mean momma that is making her spark learn the entire verse, not just the 'cut out' that the book has them learn?


I write the full verse out on a note card and staple it in to his book for the verses (like above) where the book is not teh full verse. It seems silly to me to have the child learn a site and then NOT learn the entire correct verse to go with that site. since DS1 has to recite the site along with his verse it seems to me he should be learning the verse correctly.


Am I the only one? :D

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Are they not expected to say the verse reference on their own, before they say the verse part? Because ds got signed off on verses that he wasn't saying the reference for without help :confused:


And ours are NKJ.


officially over 4 has to say the site to the verse, and i think are allowed ONE help to still get signed off on -- but i know every group is different in hov strict they are

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Are the verses in NIV?



It depends on the church. The catalog from Awana has both NIV and NKJV. The church chooses which they want to have.


Officially, Awana wants the kids to know the reference without help (the thought behind this is that even if they forget the verse later, they will still know where to find it.) And they are allowed 2 helps per section (not per verse in that section.) However, most churches have different degrees of leniency on this, even from leader to leader.

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It depends on the church. The catalog from Awana has both NIV and NKJV. The church chooses which they want to have.


Officially, Awana wants the kids to know the reference without help (the thought behind this is that even if they forget the verse later, they will still know where to find it.) And they are allowed 2 helps per section (not per verse in that section.) However, most churches have different degrees of leniency on this, even from leader to leader.




We have done AWANA in 3 different states now.


There may also be different degrees of leniency between kids. Some kids can just look at a verse and memorize it in minutes. Kids that take weeks to learn one verse but are trying hard and not goofing off are more likely to be given more hints.

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It depends on the church. The catalog from Awana has both NIV and NKJV. The church chooses which they want to have.


Officially, Awana wants the kids to know the reference without help (the thought behind this is that even if they forget the verse later, they will still know where to find it.) And they are allowed 2 helps per section (not per verse in that section.) However, most churches have different degrees of leniency on this, even from leader to leader.



Yep, and a help is defined as up to three words, I believe.

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