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Is There a MOST DIFFICULT Month in Which to Homeschool?

Do you find there is a MOST DIFFICULT month in which to homeschool?  

  1. 1. Do you find there is a MOST DIFFICULT month in which to homeschool?

    • January
    • February
    • March
    • April
    • May
    • June/July/August(any or all)
    • September
    • October
    • November/December (either or both)
    • Other (I had to combine months so I could include 'other')

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January. I hate being cold. I hate the dark. I might have a touch of SAD, because I really don't like January. I start feeling miserable about everything and I'm projecting that we are not remotely where we "should" be in every single subject (which is usually true).

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September for me, hands-down. September's been a hectic month since well before we started homeschooling. There's simply so much going on between High Holy Days (my husband sings with the choir at a Reform Jewish temple so he's gone a lot for rehearsals, etc), festivals and fairs we regularly attend, trying to get into a groove with new material, starting new classes/activities, there's usually a vacation involved, etc, that I never feel I really hit my stride with a schedule until October. Things are just too broken up. However, I know that I will feel this way every September, so I focus on holding on until October.

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I couldn't figure out how to vote. I think because my girls are so young, it's difficult for me to think in terms of "slogging" through school at this point. We don't, actually. And at their ages and ability levels, I think this is perfectly fine. They are always learning, and no month seems harder than any other.


Someday the "slogging" may be more applicable, but for now the major factors in getting our work done include (a) my health/energy level [thyroid issues], (b) my husband's completely unpredictable work/travel/work-from-home schedule, and © how much the sun is shining! :D


Hey, we live in New Jersey, where we get something like 5 truly sunny days a year. :lol: Wouldn't you want to be outside on each of them? When the weather is super hot or super cold, we get so much "school work" done, but we spent every day this week OUTSIDE! :thumbup:

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I voted February, but November and December are a close second for me.


We are all tired by February - tired of winter, tired of being inside, tired of school, and tired of going out of town constantly for gymnastics meets (February is the middle of meet season).


November and December are hard because all the holiday activities on top of our already overloaded schedule.

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I voted may because it is when we are finishing up everything and just want to be done.


Summers are also hard to get a good routine going because of all of the interruptions.


Our winters are mild, so we aren't cooped up as much as some.

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I voted March and September.


I am in Canada, and in March I am expecting winter to be done and it often isn't.


I voted September, but really it is August that is an issue. All those back to school ads on TV and people asking "Ready for school yet?" I just breathe a sigh of relief when all the back-to-school stuff is over (except the sales, I love the sales!)



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