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My grandfather passed away yesterday...

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Tell me it's okay that we only got math done today. :crying:


I had planned on a full school day, but my brain just feels...mushy. Instead, I went for a run at 10 am in full sunlight thinking it would make me feel better to get that dose of sunshine in my system (it did). The rest of the day was spent talking on the phone and texting various relatives.


Tomorrow will be travel to and from the funeral. And the funeral itself, obviously.


Next week is another week, right? I just get stressed out when we skip days since I have a middle schooler, and I'm terrified of ruining her education. Gack.

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Nothing school-related to offer, but wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing.


What a treasure, though, to have a grandparent into adulthood when you could really appreciate him - and your kids are old enough remember their great-grandfather!

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Thank you, everyone. It was indeed a blessing to have him as long as we did. He was 93, so he had a good, long life.


I actually told the kids last night how fortunate they are to have known their great-grandfather. Two of dh's grandparents are still alive as well, so they are even more blessed!


I guess since dh went to work today, I felt like I should have a regular day too. I'm going to be easy on myself.


Thanks again.

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