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Teaching about currency


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We are now getting into currency with my 1st grader. She understands most of it but I know we will need to work on it for the whole concept sink in. Which is fine, as I plan on taking at least few weeks off and review our learning for the books 1A and 1B of Singapore before going on to 2A.

So, I want to ask if anyone here can suggests games that deal with currency. I saw a game one tie that was like a monopoly except that the idea was to give change and such. I cannot remember the name of the game at all. I was pregnant at the time, so my brain was not fully operating (is it ever?).

Any ideas/suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Be well


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I just bought Allowance from RR, which is sort of like Payday, but with coins in addition to bills. I haven't tried it out yet because we haven't received it, but I think it will help. We have also played "shopping" where different items are priced, gave Ariel some money and let her "buy" different things.

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I asked around and the game I saw was called Presto Change-O. Has anyone heard or used it? What can you tell me about it? I also learned about two other vintage games: Pay Day and Life. I will do some research and certainly get more ideas.

My child does get some money for the work she does around her house. She is yet to spend, however as a dear friend's birthday approaches, she has already mentioned that she wants to buy a gift. So, it will teach her in time. The thing I need most here is to teach the coins. My dd loves all the creative way to learn things, so if I can throw in a game or two, why not. We can play the game as a family and learn while at it.


Thanks. Be well



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Does she have her own money? I found that giving the boys a small allowance at that age did the teaching for me.




:iagree: My little brother couldn't do maths except when he was standing at the lolly counter. And he would stand there too, until he'd worked out how to get the best balance between prestige (mates and redskins) and quantity.




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I just bought Allowance from RR, which is sort of like Payday, but with coins in addition to bills. I haven't tried it out yet because we haven't received it, but I think it will help. We have also played "shopping" where different items are priced, gave Ariel some money and let her "buy" different things.


We really enjoyed Allowance. I thought it would be cheesy but ds got into it and learned a lot from it.

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