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Fly swatters

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Fly swatters have to be one of the most disgusting things in the world! I don't like it being near anything so the garage would be ideal. However, I live in OK and the fly population is near plague status so it needs to be handy. GROSS, GROSS, GROSS! Where do you store yours? :confused:

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Don't know if this helps, but I try to avoid fly swatters. (Can't stand the storage, yucky mess thing either!) I like to use Black Flag Window Fly Traps. They're these clear, sticky window-cling things. The flies get stuck, and then you throw the whole strip away. I put mine toward the top of the window, behind the blinds. That way I don't see it (until it's time to change) and the kids can't bother it! They come 4 to a pack at Wal-mart.

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Don't know if this helps, but I try to avoid fly swatters. (Can't stand the storage, yucky mess thing either!) I like to use Black Flag Window Fly Traps. They're these clear, sticky window-cling things. The flies get stuck, and then you throw the whole strip away. I put mine toward the top of the window, behind the blinds. That way I don't see it (until it's time to change) and the kids can't bother it! They come 4 to a pack at Wal-mart.




Much more efficient than fly swatters, too, IME. I always miss when I try to swat flies, but once they get stuck to the window trap, they're done for.

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My kids always tell me I need to buy a flyswatter. But I think they're gross, too. I guess you can rinse them off in the bathtub. I still don't have one. I tell the kids I don't need one--I have the fastest dishtowel in town! And yes, it gets thrown straight into the wash afterward.

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