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re-visiting colleges

Ame E.

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My children pretty much have figured out what colleges they are interested in. Some of these schools offer revisit college days.. if they've already visited, is it worth going back and re-visiting? I am just wondering timewise if my kids should do this.



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My son is planning on going back for overnight stays. It is one thing to see their carefully planned out visit. It is another thing to see the campus at different times of the day. For some, that may be cost prohibitive, but, since we are looking at schools within a 3 hour drive, our biggest obstacle is time - my son's college class schedule.

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These are "days" set up at the college. One is to a college's music school; he might be able to attend a few classes, which I'm hoping. The other is to a Sunday type thing hosted at a hotel, or visiting the school on a Sunday. There's another where my daughter(the other senior) is planning on going with her friend to the college to attend some classes.


With both kids, (one's in school; the other is homeschooled), it's time away from homeschool. Of course it will count as a school day, but I'm just wondering if it's worth the time.


We won't do the overnight thing until we see where they are accepted and then re-visit those places in April.

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For us it was worthwhile, dd has been to her school 3 times. The last 2 times the programs were similar, but were still profitable.


She's gotten to say hi to her freshman advisor each time, so she feels very comfortable in the engineering dept that she'll be majoring in.


After one session, she asked to sit in on an engineering class and her advisor let her sit in on aero design, a senior practicum, that she just loved. This helped to confirm her decision to attend there an confirmed her decision for her major.


The last time we went it was just for honor students. We found out more about the honor's programs, learned about a new freshman summer early college program that she will attend and took another look at the 3 types of dorms. The last was very useful.


Each time she's gone she feels more comfortable with the school. We know our way around, she's met some teachers and she feels invested in the school. It has also helped her to work harder, as she can see her and goal.

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We will encourage ds to make secondary, overnight visits to the colleges that make the final cut. We will request non-"set-up" visits, ie. not those pre-planned "put on our best face" prospective student days so that he can attend classes, see dorm life, experience the normal, everyday happenings by not being secluded on a scheduled tour.



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My oldest dd and I went back during spring of her jr. year to a few that she had seen over the summer. We were able to check on a few "new" schools. It helped solidify her list. She had limited time to go in her sr. year (schools were v. far away) so, a second visit helped her to confirm a school's place on her applications list. It was enlightening to visit when school was in session. We did so informally, took the tour and info. session again but, sat in on dance classes and lectures if they were available. Oddly enough, she chose a school that we went to once, she just knew......

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