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Is there already a thread on the amanda Knox appeal?

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While listening to NPR today they said the result could come in around 8pm their time. The media seems confident that the original verdict will be tossed and she will be released but her own attorneys are not that confident. In fact I guess she could end up receiving life in prison rather than the 25 (I think) years she is currently serving.



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The fact that she has a plane waiting to whisk her back to the States is not a wise move. That's likely to offend a lot of people.


I personally think she had something to do with it. She has shown no sadness or horror about the situation. Poor Meredith was killed in the most gruesome manner, and Amanda was shown in photographs afterward smirking.

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I don't feel like she had anything to do it.


But the most disturbing thing to me, other than the actual crime, is the way the justice system in Italy has handled the whole thing. What a mess. :( It makes me afraid to travel to another country.

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I have been following this case since the beginning and I think while she acted in an immature way I don't think she had anything to do with it. Of course her DNA would be in the apartment and the crime scene, she LIVED there as well! I think this whole "trial" has been a media circus from the start and she never got a fair trial. I hope she comes home today so she can live her life and move on. I agree with the poster who said it makes her nervous about traveling, I'm starting to feel that way as well. I don't know how willing I would be to travel to other countries, with a few exceptions.

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While listening to NPR today they said the result could come in around 8pm their time. The media seems confident that the original verdict will be tossed and she will be released but her own attorneys are not that confident. In fact I guess she could end up receiving life in prison rather than the 25 (I think) years she is currently serving.




I think I heard this morning that a life sentence in Italy is 30 years and murder is not the only charge she faced.

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I don't feel like she had anything to do it.


But the most disturbing thing to me, other than the actual crime, is the way the justice system in Italy has handled the whole thing. What a mess. :( It makes me afraid to travel to another country.


Let us remember that the American justice system also gives wrong verdicts. I think you can wind up in prison despite being innocent anywhere in the world.

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Of course, but in this country I understand the language clearly and have to be guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt."


Are you familiar with the trial of Amanda Knox? Have you read about some of the differences in how they handle trials in Italy?

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