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S/O Customer service

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Okay regardless if Sunflower is a troll or not her post made me think about a similar situation I am in.


I have a cell phone with a major provider and have a phone that is 3 months old. The phone locked up so I turned it off and now it is asking for a password I didn't install. I have called the provider several times and they tell me I have to call the manufacturer. This has taken 3 days and I haven't been able to use my phone.


I feel the provider should replace my phone. They say no I should send it to the manufacturer. I feel my contract is with them and they should handled it. I was polite when I said this but am not happy with the fact that my phone is still not working and that I have to send it back Monday. I will be out of phone for 3 more days.


They compromised with me and gave me an inexpensive go phone to use until my phone is replaced. I never raised my voice, insulted anyone, threatened to send an email or complain etc...


Am I wrong to expect them to fix the phone even though that isn't their policy.

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It really depends on who is contracted to do repairs. The warranty on my phone is with an outside provider. When our phones have needed repairs or replacements we have had to send them to the warranty company. Usually they are replaced within 48 hours. I think it's good though that the company gave you a replacement in the meantime. I would look at your contract and see who it says is responsible for repairs and replacements. As a side note, cell phone companies are so annoying.

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Yes, you are wrong to expect them to fix your phone when it isn't their policy. What if every customer wanted that? That's what they have to worry about.


On the other hand, you will be without your phone for 6 days total, if I understand your post correctly. That is a huge inconvenience. But, at least they gave you a loaner phone.


I would have a "bad taste in my mouth" after this incident, but I would not expect them to break their policies for me. That doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. KWIM?

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I would have asked for a credit on my account for the days that the phone was not able to be used. If they make customers deal with the manufacturer, then they know that customers will be without a phone that they are paying to have access to. It was nice of them to give you a loaner phone though. If you are using a pay as you go plan, then switch to tracfone. We have used them for years, and they are great about making things right.

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They may provide the phone service but that doesn't mean they know how to fix phones. It would be the same thing to ask your internet service provider to fix your computer. They would probably have no idea how to do it.


It is good they gave you a loner phone. I would also ask for some sort of credit on your bill.

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Yeah, I think you're wrong. ;)


Your contract was for the cell phone service, the only contract you had regarding the phone was probably the bill of sale. Read the contract to make sure but I'm betting that's the case.


They're not denying you service in any way, it's the fault of the hardware. Think about if your computer crashes and you can't access the internet. You would not expect your ISP to fix your computer. It gets a little confusing when you buy your phone from the provider and they offer you a discount based on you entering a service contract with them but the concept is the same.


I have to say though I'm impressed that they offered the replacement phone. That does show that despite their policy they're willing to work with you on the problem.

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My husband just got a new phone through Verizon. It was trying to install an email application every night, and then the screen would stay lit all night long and drain the battery. He called Verizon and they said they would send a new phone; when the new one came, it was a "certified pre-owned" phone sent in replacement. He called back and complained (the first phone was brand new), and they are now sending him yet another replacement. It's been a pain, but never did they suggest that we had to deal with the manufacturer to resolve the issue.


Sorry that you're dealing with this, and yeah, I would definitely insist that your carrier refund you for the days that you couldn't use your phone.

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I suppose it is going to depend on the provider. My phone crashed within weeks. The ladies at the provider store bent over backwards to get it fixed. They even called tech support and and the manufacturer. Both of which bent over backwards to fix the problem.


In the end there was nothing to be done. I got a new phone directly from the manufacturer.


So having dealt with excellent customer service from my provider, tech support and the phone manufacturer I think you are getting the run around from all parties involved.

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My iPhone had a problem with the screen right out of the box. I had to take it to the Apple Store, they fixed it on the spot. But, my service provider had nothing to do with getting it fixed. It is sort of like wanting your cable company to fix your tv. It is confusing that these companies sell phones, but they are just a middle man.

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Yes, you are wrong.


First, most cell phone companies provide SEVERAL brands of phones for their customers to choose from. Do you really expect them to provide technical support for all of those phones?


Secondly, the manufacturer of the phone has provided a warranty on the phone for this very reason. Please utilize it.

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