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Natural treatment for 2nd degree burns?

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My 6yo burned himself badly yesterday. He has 2nd degree burns down his tummy from nipple to the waistband of his underpants. His wounds were treated and dressed and I am changing and dressing the wound at home until Sunday when we go back to make sure no infection has set in in the broken blisters. My concern is for after the open sores heal. Does anyone know or can you recommend some good natural product that will help the skin heal quickly and without scarring or discoloured skin? The doctor at the MedClinic was said a lot of people like to use a product called Silvadine, but that he doesn't recommend it because it tends to discolour the skin, and DS has a large area that would need to be covered. I am out of coconut oil, but was going to try to get some and apply that, but are there any oils or creams I should consider. Any extra vitamins/supplements to add while the healing process takes place? I appreciated the MedClinic dr's pretty hands-off approach - he just said just Motrin for pain and Bacitracin while the wounds are open - no shots or preventative antibiotics.




I should also add that anything that would help with the itching would be fabulous. The poor guy is going crazy trying not to scratch.


(My 4yo DD convinced him to help her microwave a big bowl of peanut butter, jelly and maple syrup while I was upstairs with DD2 putting her down for her nap. He tipped the bowl and it spilled all down his poor tummy.)

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I truly don't know about anything natural, but I do know Silvadene.


My hubby had 2 degree burns over 30 percent of his body (Legs and abdomen, some neck and face) almost 30years ago. Silvadene had just come out on the market.

He has no scarring and no discoloration.

I am not saying the Dr.s don't know what they are talking about, but Silvadene was a miracle in a jar for us.

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Silvadine is great for burns, but it is a prescription. Do you have any aloe vera plants? Pick the leaves, rinse them to remove any dirt, run them through the blender or food processor and make a poultice w/ it. Aloe is an amazing healer of wounds.


ETA: Oral Benadryl for the itching.

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Do you wait for the open wounds to heal before applying the aloe?

I do use aloe for burns/light scrapes, but I have never put it on open sores.


I may look more into Silvadene.


EDIT - just looked it up and one of the most common side effects of Silvadene is a permanent, brownish discoloration of the skin. I forgot to mention that the dr. said because DS was so young his skin would heal on its own, but he recommends Silvadene to adults with the caveat that it commonly causes skin discoloration.

Edited by jenr
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Poor kid.:grouphug:


I'm not sure about the 2nd degree and would ask the doctor, but my mom always used just the inside of the aloe plant. You can buy the clear aloe most anyplace now in a bottle.



My ds had a little burn on his chin when he was little. The doctor said to keeping him out of the sun was very important to avoid scarring.

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I always recommend SpenCo 2nd Skin Moist Burn Pads to anyone who has a burn. I don't think they necessarily aid in healing, but they provide amazing pain relief, and keep clothes from rubbing the delicate skin. They are mostly saline, no medication. I have unfortunately had to use them many times on myself, and I am forever grateful for them.


You can generally find them at Walgreens or sometimes Walmart, but you'll have to look for them. They are never very obvious.

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Ds had 2nd degree burns on his back this summer. After the dr. looked at it, we would wash it w/saline (just like for contact lenses) & apply triple-antibiotic ointment in the am & an anti-staph ointment in the pm. We also kept it covered w/plastic (Saran) wrap. Keeps it moist & dirt free. He said he felt like a left-over. :o As the skin sloughed up, I'd remove it w/tweezers. He's completely healed now w/very slight scarring.

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