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For Saxon Math K-3 users. How long does it take / please share your schedule


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my 7 year old is doing Saxon 2. He does it 4x a week. It takes him about 40 minutes to get through a lesson. The lesson includes everything (meeting book, lesson, flash cards, quiz, side A). We do side B on the following day.


my now 9 year old has a hard time getting through anything and it would take him well over an hour to get him through Saxon 2 lesson. So, half way through Saxon 2 and all the way through Saxon 3 his lesson was taking so long that I did half of it in the day and my husband did the other half in the evening. It was really rough! But, that was him. Very stubborn. Now he is on 5/4. It takes him about 40 minutes to get through quiz, mental math, lesson, and half the problems. He does the other half the following day for about 30 minutes.

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It takes us about 45 minutes. My dd is doing Saxon 2. We do meeting book, lesson, quiz, and side A. The meeting book takes us a while because we take it outside to check the weather. The lesson takes us a while because my dd loves to spend extra time playing with the manipulatives. We don't do side B, but we do a page from a differnt math program (Math in Focus) because I couldn't make up my mind about which program to do. :) I could speed up our lessons, but I am purposely going slowly through the lesson to make sure we enjoy it and get the most benefit from it.

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I've already used Saxon 1-3 with my older girls, but remedially so my experience with them doesn't reflect what's typical. However, I am now using Saxon 1 with DS6 - we're about halfway through. It usually takes us about 30-45mins to do everything: Fact Test, lesson, worksheet. If the lesson includes an activity it will take longer and then I usually do the Math in two parts.

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When I used it last year, it did seem to take a long time. I had Saxon 1 and 2 (at the time dd5 and ds7). I did get discouraged by the length of time it took. It probably took about 1 1/2 hours.


But I would/will use Saxon 1,2,3 for my girls again and I enjoy the activities we do together from the curriculum. Math is pretty important and it feels like time well-spent in the long run.


ETA: We afterschool currently, but if I were homeschooling I would schedule math as one of the first subjects in the day. And I would do the meeting with both of my kids at the same time and then work individually after the joint meeting.

Edited by 3Blessings
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It doens't seem to take us long at all. However, it's a good fit for us. I like it's ease of use and he thinks it's super fun! He even prefers it to MUS. We finished level 1 over the summer a just began 2 a few weeks ago. We don't do meeting book (as I don't own it) but we do everything listed for each lesson. They take me maybe 10 min to teach. He does both sides of the worksheet. But we don't do every drill sheet. I typically only assign him half a page/day (if we do one). Not that he can't do the work but he has some fine motor issues and his hand is quite sore at the end of our class time.

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