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Anyone have a child (or themselves?) missing adult teeth?

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Me, and ds. My top eye teeth are baby teeth. I am almost 45, do not have any kind of bridge, and they are just fine. Only dentists recognize that they are baby teeth. I never had any wisdom teeth (yay) either. Ds has no adult teeth in the front (on the bottom) unfortunately. Our plans are to just have them built up to look like normal teeth. No caps or implants. I had this done to one of my front teeth when I broke it and it looks totally normal. hth

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ds#2 is missing those 2 teeth as well. He still has one baby tooth to fall out, so we are in the "wait & see" camp on whether to do anything. Dh had to have 5 teeth pulled + his wisdom teeth due to overcrowding. Ds#1 has inherited dh's mouth, but doesn't want braces as he sees that dh's teeth moved back eventually even after having teeth pulled & years of braces. Luckily dd seems to have inherited my mouth. I have straight teeth & even have all 4 wisdom teeth. Neither of my boys are concerned about perfect teeth. As long as they are able to keep them clean & decay free, we are happy. Braces to fix overcrowding or missing teeth are a luxury that doesn't fit in our budget.

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Dd is missing the adult tooth underneath her 2 year old lower left molar. She is in full braces right now, but they've done nothing with the baby tooth. I think they want to keep the tooth if at all possible. I thought they would pull it and close the gap, but they don't want to do that. She is in braces for a bite issue, not overcrowding. They said she may need a bridge or implant in the future.

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I haven't read any of the other responses but I just wanted to give you a :grouphug:. I went through this 3 years ago. I had never heard of missing adult teeth and it really shook me up. Now I am finding that it is quite common.


My ds (10) is missing 9 of his adult teeth. We have been told that he might be able to keep some of his baby teeth and the rest will need implants. It all depends on how things play out as he grows. We have done alot of prep work already for this possibility. He has had headgear for a year already and now has a retainer. He will need braces in a couple of years and then we will go from there.


Our orthodontist has told me that the worst case scenario would be that the implants would cost us a total of $30,000. One implant is about $4,500.


In your case, you might be able to do without implants. It is really important to have a good orthodontist, one that will work with you to help keep the cost down. We have a really good guy and he is trying his best to pick the best option for us and ds.

Edited by prairiegirl
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Moose is missing two adult teeth on top, according to his dental x-rays. They're the ones on each side next to the two front teeth.




This is exactly what happened with our dd21. Same 2 teeth!

As someone else posted, they offered us the options of braces (pulling the other teeth forward) or implants. We had two different opinions.

She was so young that we did not want to see her have to deal with implants for the rest of her life and opted for braces.

She wore braces for three years if I remember correctly. They pulled her other teeth forward and you cannot tell she is missing any teeth and has a beautiful smile. However, her teeth do not sit correctly top to bottom. They are not perfectly aligned, but she does not have any issues or problems.

I would get second or third opinions until you are comfortable with it. Also know that you do not have to rush into any decisions. You have some time. It is a l.o.n.g. process if you go the braces route.

Good luck!

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Ho can it fall out? It is adhered with some sort of super strong adhesive.


I finally went with permanent bridges since I was tired of the Maryland bridges falling out. The Maryland bridges are only designed to last 10 years max, so if you get longer out of them you're doing great. The pressure of biting loosens the adhesive & mine just started slipping out. I got them reattached a couple of times but when it came time to have new ones made, I wanted something more permanent.


Implants were just getting started & I didn't want to deal with the oral surgery (not to mention that insurance wouldn't cover any of the cost). I still am a bit frustrated with having filed down 4 teeth to almost nothing to have the traditional bridges mounted, but I haven't had any problems yet with them (after about 9 years). At this point I know I was on my second set of Maryland bridges.

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