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Book a Week in 2011- week thirty nine

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Little witch. ;) It's a nickname from when I was little.



I've been meaning to ask too. I guessed correctly, based on Afrikaans (where it would be Klein Heks, if I remember correctly). I'm guessing your nickname is German?


I think it was you who recommended The Botany of Desire - if so, thanks, I'm loving it!



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I've been meaning to ask too. I guessed correctly, based on Afrikaans (where it would be Klein Heks, if I remember correctly). I'm guessing your nickname is German?


I think it was you who recommended The Botany of Desire - if so, thanks, I'm loving it!





Yes, I love that book! I stumbled upon by accident, and it was the best discovery. There are parts when I laughed out loud.

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Little witch. ;) It's a nickname from when I was little.


The book was interesting for the most part. There were some things I knew, and others that kind of went over my head. The whole space bending stuff left me :001_huh:. However, I now know what a liger and tigon are. :D



So, does reading my 5th in a row gluten free cookbook count? :tongue_smilie:


Thanks. I have it saved for later in my Amazon cart. My kids have read an article about ligers & togons in one of their magazines & we've seen photos. I've been cooking gluten free for at least part of our family for years, and if you'd like any tips, you can PM me. I think there's also a dormant gluten free social group where there's some info, too.


Did you grow up speaking German? I spent a year living in Germany (was in their kindergarten, but I've forgotten my German). I've been relearning some German folksongs in English in the Musikgarten curricula and am going to ask my dad which ones of these we used to sing. I may even finally look at the home movies my dad had put on CD, because apparently there's one of my sister & I singing & dancing in German.

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Sneaking in here late. I'm still reading Two Years Before the Mast. I also read the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I know it's been mentioned several times in these threads before but I obviously didn't pay very close attention because I thought it was a fiction book, and well, bleh. Then I saw it at the library and I was all, "ooh, this looks interesting!" :D :tongue_smilie: and the librarian highly recommended it. I enjoyed it a lot. I also read Once Upon a Time, There Was You by Elizabeth Berg, which was quite good. I was afraid it was going to get icky in the middle, but it didn't. I really related to the daughter in the story. Currently reading The Tempest by Wm. Shakespeare.

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I haven't posted in several weeks, and I'm quite behind for the year, but I did complete three books this week.


#20 Augustine's Confessions

#19 The Wheel on the School by DeJong

#18 Blackthorn Winter by Wilson


I'm about 2/3 of the way through Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring and halfway through Nesbit's Five Children and It. I'm getting ready to start The Nine Tailors by Sayers, On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius.

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