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Snob moments


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Do you ever have moments of utter snobbery? You know, moments where you think "I can't believe he/she/they just did that! I would never!" Luckily, my snob moments are followed by reality checks:glare: which keep the snobtasticness in check, but I still have those moments.


For instance, yesterday I had an appointment in the city over an hour away. The kids and I stopped at Burger King for lunch. The middle school right next door had an early-out day, so BK was packed with middle school students. They were terrible. They were loud. They were obnoxious, catty, and foul-mouthed. As I walked up to the cashier, I proudly informed here that my kids (the perfect little angels) were homeschooled. We sat down and had a perfect little meal while all the other kids were running around the restaurant. I was way up on my high horse.


Then we went to my doctor's appointment. Both dds were cranky. Dd4 was crying and insubordinate. Dd11 was complaining. No one would sit still. I wanted to cover my face with a paper bag. Turns out my high horse was really only 5in tall.


Anyway, I thought this might be a fun thread. We can share our snob moments and the reality checks that inevitably follow.

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Do you ever have moments of utter snobbery? You know, moments where you think "I can't believe he/she/they just did that! I would never!" Luckily, my snob moments are followed by reality checks:glare: which keep the snobtasticness in check, but I still have those moments.


For instance, yesterday I had an appointment in the city over an hour away. The kids and I stopped at Burger King for lunch. The middle school right next door had an early-out day, so BK was packed with middle school students. They were terrible. They were loud. They were obnoxious, catty, and foul-mouthed. As I walked up to the cashier, I proudly informed here that my kids (the perfect little angels) were homeschooled. We sat down and had a perfect little meal while all the other kids were running around the restaurant. I was way up on my high horse.


Then we went to my doctor's appointment. Both dds were cranky. Dd4 was crying and insubordinate. Dd11 was complaining. No one would sit still. I wanted to cover my face with a paper bag. Turns out my high horse was really only 5in tall.


Anyway, I thought this might be a fun thread. We can share our snob moments and the reality checks that inevitably follow.



:lol::lol: I can SOOO relate to the bolded statement. I have many of those moments, but I think my biggest one is still an ongoing reality check. I was one of those teens that made frequent and loud claims that I would never have one of "those" children. You know the loud, cranky, disobedient, mouthy, ones that everyone just calls a brat. I would never have one of those because I of course would be a perfect parent and *my* children would be sweet little angels, that never made a fuss, did as they were told happily, genius's of course. Then I had children. I am far from a perfect parent. My kids are loud, cranky, disobedient, mouthy and brats (though they are also sweet little angels, quiet and obedient...just not when they are out with me). My high horse was not even 5" tall it was -10" tall. I still get bit in backside when my snobbery rears it's head but this is the most prominent time.

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I just thought of another! (Apparently I am a super snob.) Once I saw a kid dressed in dirty, too-small clothing. I thought "I would never let my kid out of the house like that!" About 5 seconds later I realized my son had been wearing his pants backwards all day.

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I just thought of another! (Apparently I am a super snob.) Once I saw a kid dressed in dirty, too-small clothing. I thought "I would never let my kid out of the house like that!" About 5 seconds later I realized my son had been wearing his pants backwards all day.



:lol: That's why they need to have buttons that say "my kid dressed him/herself today" I call mine my little brood of orphan children somedays, because they dress like they don't have a mother that cares.

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I just thought of another! (Apparently I am a super snob.) Once I saw a kid dressed in dirty, too-small clothing. I thought "I would never let my kid out of the house like that!" About 5 seconds later I realized my son had been wearing his pants backwards all day.

Bwah hahaha!


I remember seeing a little guy wearing a Superman outfit at a coffee shop...and it wasn't Hallowe'en. Swore *my* child (who was all of 8 mths old or so) would never do such a thing.


Uh huh.


Fast forward 3 yrs. He's wearing his Batman outfit everywhere, including daycare, and refusing to answer to anything other than 'Batman'. :lol:

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:lol: That's why they need to have buttons that say "my kid dressed him/herself today" I call mine my little brood of orphan children somedays, because they dress like they don't have a mother that cares.


I thought I was the only Mom who did this!!!! :D I tried to restrict their outfits so it wouldn't be that hard to put together a decent one. They still manage to put the plaid shirt.....with the plaid shorts, the striped with stripped shorts, and the dress shirts with track shorts. I mean, really :001_huh:.


This thread is wonderful!

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When my kids were younger (DS still in a stroller) and we went to museums, the science center, etc. I used to marvel at the awful behavior of the ps kids on field trips. They were ignoring teachers and being loud while my angels were paying attention to what I said about exhibits and making appropriate comments and observations. Well, within a few months of abandoning the stroller, the security guards at the natural history museum knew DS by name... because he had a habit of considering velvet ropes to be invitations rather than barriers and would just waltz right under them.

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