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Is anyone else surprised by the results of tracking their reading?

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I've never tracked my reading over a year before, and I'm surprised by the balance (or lack thereof) that I am seeing. There's an awful lot of detective fiction!


In my defense, I could read four crime novels (or more) in the time it took me to read David Copperfield, but still... This is also a somewhat stressful time, so I am relying more on old favourites (Sayers, Austen) for comfort.

The list so far



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That's why I'm doing the 888, so I don't fall into reading for comfort. I'm pushing myself this year to read bks I would otherwise not read. I just may do this every year!



If I could make a category for curriculum catalogs for my 888 I'd be way ahead.

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Wow, Laura. Are you saying that you've read all these this year already??!!


I'm impressed. I just might have to get tracking myself to see if it motivates me to read more.


Detective fiction is funny. When I'm stressed or numb I find myself devouring mysteries, whose story lines are anything but cozy!! Weird.


I do find that after I've read a bunch of mysteries, I'm rejeuvenated and ready to dive into more "literary" fare. Right now I have The Black Dahlia checked out. I'm both spooked and fascinated by it.


I used to do that in college, read mysteries or pure junk over the breaks to rev up for the meaty stuff next semester.


How to you get access to so many English language books in China?



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I'm also wondering where you get your books, Laura. When we lived in Asia, it was all I could do to find enough books in English and that year's reading wasn't much like a year's reading in the US.


I've been keeping track of my reading on my blog now for 3 years and it's been very nice to be able to go back to see what I've read. The biggest patterns I've seen are seasonal. I reread lots of books in the summer and there's often a time in fall and then at the beginning of the year that I read a lot.

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When I decided to do the 888 reading challenge I got a Book Lover Journal via book mooch It have never been used. I am really enjoying tracking my reading. Also I am reading more quality books because ten years from now I don't want to look back in the journal Did I really read that. Shockingly I had never read Austen before this year. I have generally been afraid of classics. Through homeschooling my reading has improved (thank you G A Henty) and I felt ready for Austen. All I can say is what a fool I have been. I can't believe I went so may years without knowing Mr. Darcy. Oh and Jane really would have helped me with my dating skills. Well better late than never.

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I've been surprised by a few things. One, that I read so much more when I'm paying attention to what I have read, what I'm reading, and what I want to read. Two, that I read a fairly decent variety of books (when I'm being deliberate about it). Three, that I have too many books that I want to read!

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I re-read Sayers obsessively, and especially when I'm stressed! They just feel "homey" to me (LOL)


Right now I'm in the middle of Gaudy Night for the umpteenth time... having read Strong Poison and Have His Carcase in the last week. But I have four books my mom lent me, still not even started. I just want my Sayers right now! :)

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Wow, Laura. Are you saying that you've read all these this year already??!!



I'm proud of having finished David Copperfield, at 850 pages.


We spend a lot of time in Hong Kong these days, which has good book shops. We are also members of Hong Kong's excellent library system, so if DH visits us in China, he brings a batch of books that I have previously ordered on the internet. It's all a far cry from the first time I was in China, in 1985.



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I am doing the 888 thing and as I track, I have way more mysteries/thrillers than classics. I feel good about the several historical fiction pieces I've checked off. But, my thought is that reading is not just "education" or "enlightment" for me, it's my major recreation, my downtime. I rarely watch TV, my DH is on travel a lot so I can't just leave for walks or workouts, so reading lighter, more entertaining fare is how I stay sane.


Someday I will have the time and energy to make better acquaintance with throught-provoking reading, but that will be another season.


P.S. I just finished (mostly) The Canon also. So much backed into a small book! Overall I liked it, how about you?

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P.S. I just finished (mostly) The Canon also. So much backed into a small book! Overall I liked it, how about you?


I look forward to reading it repeatedly over the years. It has helped me in teaching Calvin his biology too.


I've just started reading Bully for Brontosaurus by Stephen Jay Gould. I read it probably five years ago, but I feel like some entertaining science now. His short essays are easy to fit into my somewhat frazzled head.



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