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New Diagnosis for 8yr old son: Mild Dyslexia, & dysgraphia

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A few months ago my 8.5 yr old had a full battery assessment done at a local University Psyc department center. I was concerned about his reading maybe even dyslexia but the test came back within normal range.

Prior to the test I meet a dyslexic specialist in my area and I talked to her about my son and she told me to contact her when we got the results back from his assessment at the University. Low and behold I contacted her because I wasn't sure the test was on target concerning my sons reading. She agreed to see us and do a small assessment with my son and after spending an hour with him she informed us that my son was very intelligent but he also had mild dyslexia and dysgraphia. I'm trying to understand why the first battery assessment didn't pick this up? The battery assessment did report him as having a writing disorder but it didn't say the word dysgraphia. The results from the battery test noted that it wasn't the physical action of writing but actually getting his words from his brain on paper. The report also showed him having extremely low short term working memory scores while his long term

memory was extremely high. The tester said she had never seen anything like it. She suggest playing games like Simon and Loopz. The tester did mention

that my son may have ADD(attention issues) but he was so mild she didn't

want to put a label on him at such a young age. She wanted me to bring him

back next year for another assessment.

We decided to get the one hour a week trained Orton-Gillingham tutoring for my son. They use recipe for reading along with other OG techniques. I'm just not sure what I should be doing at home with him right now for reading. The tutor said I could continue using ETC because they also use ETC and I could finish Hooked on Phonics with him. If you have any experience with OG curriculum or dyslexia/dysgraphia I would love o hear from you. This is what we are using right now curriculum wise:



-WWE 1(should be finished in Nov) plan to do WWE 2

-Spelling- AAS 1

-Phonics-ETC bk 4-5, finish HOP2 (should I order recipe for reading and the workbooks or maybe Dancing Bear Fast Track phonics)

-Handwriting-ZB 2C transition into cursive book

-FLL 3( may not be a good fit), Star Wars Mad Libs(he loves this)

-Math-MUS Alpha/Singapore 2A

-History- SOTW 2

-Science-Apologia Astronomy

-Song School Latin

-drawing lessons online w/Mark Kistler

Edited by calledtobehome
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My son was evaluated in 1st grade by an educational psychologist after the public school teacher told us DS might be dyslexic. At that time, he was at grade level for reading (barely), but it did cause him much stress. The ed. psych said they did not use the term dyslexic. DS also had exceptionally varied test results--his ability to recreate an image was under 10th percentile, but his memory tests were 99.9th. The ed. psych at that time suggested either further testing to pinpoint his areas of weakness and coming up with a plan based on those results. Alternatively, she offered that we might just want to give our son some time to let all his parts get caught up with each other. We opted for the later approach. DS is about to turn 15 and after a few years resembling unschooling, he is at grade level in his academic skills. Spelling is an area he struggles in the most, but even that he is doing pretty well, imo. He now excels at math and science and just did an amazing job on the critical reading section of a SAT practice test (~750 score based on the book scoring system). I distinctly remember when he informed me that he was never going to learn to read and that he hated math when we first started homeschooling (8 1/2 years ago). That's his story in a nutshell. They change so much in such a short period of time. :)

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I would not use ETC or HOP with a dyslexic student, HOP has too many sight word and the set-up of ETC is such that it exacerbates guessing for a guess prone student.


I would use the Blend Phonics reader. (free from Don Potter)


I would also use a good phonetic spelling program, AAS might be a good fit.


You could also try Right Track Reading, it has tips for making your own tiles and is not guess prone.


I also like I See Sam and Webster's Speller.

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Was the tester a student at the university? That might explain the discrepancies and not having seen certain things. Personally, if they're seeing the signs of it now, you might as well start reading and learning what you can about the ADD, working memory, executive dysfunction, etc. etc. No need to wait for a formal diagnosis.


That Crumpled Paper Was My...

No Mind Left Behind

The Mislabeled Child

and lots more good books


The praxis you're describing was identified in dd by an OT. You should read Yllek's posts on the work her SLP (speech therapist) is doing combining working memory and expressive speech.


BTW, you may hit some walls with the latin. I'm not saying that to discourage you but just to say it's not worth beating your head on a rock or wasting tons of time if you do. And I'm with the other Elizabeth that I'd wonder why you're doing ETC on top of OG.


Welcome to the cruise ship.

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Was the tester a student at the university? That might explain the discrepancies and not having seen certain things. Personally, if they're seeing the signs of it now, you might as well start reading and learning what you can about the ADD, working memory, executive dysfunction, etc. etc. No need to wait for a formal diagnosis.


That Crumpled Paper Was My...

No Mind Left Behind

The Mislabeled Child

and lots more good books


The praxis you're describing was identified in dd by an OT. You should read Yllek's posts on the work her SLP (speech therapist) is doing combining working memory and expressive speech.


BTW, you may hit some walls with the latin. I'm not saying that to discourage you but just to say it's not worth beating your head on a rock or wasting tons of time if you do. And I'm with the other Elizabeth that I'd wonder why you're doing ETC on top of OG.


Welcome to the cruise ship.






Thank you! Yes it was a student who administered the test. I put HOP and ETC to the side right before the summer. I also have OPGTR. Right now I'm not doing anything for phonics until I can figure out what will be best. He is only seeing his OG tutor once a week. I am doing AAS 1 4 days a week and that's going pretty good. I was thinking since the OG tutor is using recipe for reading than maybe I should order that with the workbooks from eps.

I hear what you are saying about Latin. Right now it's just for fun.


Does anyone have any suggestions or grammar or shall I wait until his reading and spelling is solid. I don't think FLL3 is a good fit. I was looking at The Sentence Famiy or Growing with Grammar?

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Was the tester a student at the university? That might explain the discrepancies and not having seen certain things. Personally, if they're seeing the signs of it now, you might as well start reading and learning what you can about the ADD, working memory, executive dysfunction, etc. etc. No need to wait for a formal diagnosis.


That Crumpled Paper Was My...

No Mind Left Behind

The Mislabeled Child

and lots more good books


The praxis you're describing was identified in dd by an OT. You should read Yllek's posts on the work her SLP (speech therapist) is doing combining working memory and expressive speech.


BTW, you may hit some walls with the latin. I'm not saying that to discourage you but just to say it's not worth beating your head on a rock or wasting tons of time if you do. And I'm with the other Elizabeth that I'd wonder why you're doing ETC on top of OG.


Welcome to the cruise ship.







I forgot to say I have the Mislabeled Child on my nightstand getting ready to start reading it this week. I will look at the other books you recommended as well.

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