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If you use a digital camera do you make prints or just store the digital pics?

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I have made actual print pics a few times, but mostly I just store my pics on my computer and back up to my DH's. I enjoy flipping through the print pictures from when the older kids were younger and that got me thinking about whether I should go and make print copies of the pics we have taken since going digital. My kids don't seem to mind either way as they are used to digital but I am not sure. What do you do?

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I usually only print out something I want to frame, or to send to family in Florida.


I noticed the same thing about having pictures of the olders kids, though. I have my new grandson here this week and we have been pulling out baby pictures of his dad. I don't really have that many print pictures of my youngest three. It makes me sad, but doesn't seem to bother them.

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I have over 10,000 digital pictures on my hard drive. Can you imagine if I'd been getting real copies all this time? Oh my.


I probably have about that many too. I was thinking either print only some or maybe a little here and there. I don't know.


I had two of ours move out last week and I am feeling nostalgic.

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