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Random acts of kindness A good habit!

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Several years ago I created a goal for myself of doing one random act of kindness daily. This has now become second nature to me although I do miss some days. it is simple things like giving up my place in line at the grocery store when the person who gets in line behind me has much less than I do, giving the library a few dollars to cover the fines of the person who come in after me. Donating clothing, books etc. Well today I was at Panera and the lady behind the counter asked if I would like a free loaf of bread. That they had miss cut it for someone and she thought I might like it. Wow this random act of kindness to me was a lovely surprise and it felt really good. This has remotivated me to make sure I am doing my random acts of kindness to others.

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Great post. Thanks for the idea for the library fine act of kindness. I've been trying to think of something like that my dd can do as part of a challenge presented in Brio Magazine. Their ideas were out of her financial reach. I'd rep you but it says I have to "spread it round more" first. Jacqui

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