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Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 and Chemistry ready?

Guest TracyNC

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Hello I am a newbie here, and have been lurking some last night. I was reading a good bit about how some think that teaching textbooks is behind, and it scares me because my son has started Chemistry, and I am afraid that I have jumped the gun here with started him out in Chemistry! He is in his third week of Chemistry, and is having a hard time as the other's in his class are too (he goes to a home school class once a week) they are using Abeka, not sure why they aren't using Apologia? Even his Chemistry teacher said the Apologia was easier. Anyway's I am concerned that he is not learning enough math, especially to keep up with this chemistry class, he has been doing the Algebra for a little over a month. I was thinking I may even have to take him out of the Chemistry, I'm just not sure yet, wanted to see what advice I could get from here. So far, they are not doing to much of the chemistry related math stuff. The thing that worries me is, he already struggles some in math, and I am afraid that any other math program will be too hard. He also has adhd, so that makes things even tougher! Should I supplement another math with the TT's? Or should I check out MUS? I understand that is a good math for learning disabled kids. I just don't know what to do?! I want him to succeed in math and Chemistry BUT I do not want him to NOT understand his math and hate it either, we tried saxon in 6th grade and that was a complete nightmare! So we won't go back there! lol ANY suggestions? THANKS!!!!




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What grade is your son? I would suggest pulling him out of chemistry and have him wait to take that until he has completed at least Algebra I. In my experience, most people take Chemistry their sophomore year, or even their junior year, if they are not planning a career in a science related field.

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If you want to keep him in the Chemistry, I can recommend 2 amazing resources to supplement the math specifically for Chemistry. 1st: Spectrum Chemistry (Rainbow Science by Beginning Publications) sell Bridge Math which goes over the basics of converting units, scientific notation, significant digits etc. He can go through that quickly to make sure he has the basic foundation skills for chemistry. Secondly, The Teaching Co. sells a high school chemistry lectures/problem workbook that focuses specifically on those mathy areas of chemistry which are the ones that most students struggle with. He can go through the TTC stuff concurrently when he covers the related material in his chemistry class. This course is not time consuming, yet covers the tough chemistry math in a way that is easy to understand/master.



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I don't recommend taking Chemistry at the same time as Alg 1. Chemistry uses too much of it and he won't have covered it yet. If he has finished Alg 1 even with TT, he should be fine.


I will recommend the Teaching Company lectures to go along with a textbook. Sometimes you have to move around the lectures to match the curriculum, but the teacher on there is quite good with his explanations. It is NOT a stand alone Chem course.

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I apologize for just replying back to you all, computer has been out till a few hours ago. I really appreciate all your responses and help, THANK YOU!!! :) My son is doing some 10th grade work and 11th, but mostly 11th, so I guess you could say he is in 11th, his weakness is math though so he is behind in that. He takes this Chemistry class at a local church that has a big home school group and a local public school teacher comes in and teaches two classes there, each class has 14 kids, so I am happy about that. In an e-mail the teacher said she hasn't noticed my son having much difficulty (no more than the rest of the class) but to let her know if he needs extra help. She said the whole class is having a hard time understanding some things, and none of them did well on their tests so she is letting them take it over. I think I may have just jumped the gun when this class became available the parents jumped on it! (plus my son does want to go into a science based career) This has been the first year that the group has offered it, and I knew I'd be afraid to teach it! lol I literally stood in line for two hours getting him into that class! lol So right now I'm really not sure what I'll do, I may just try out those recommendations mentioned...TTC, Spectrum chemistry, and sell bridge math, along with a lot of prayer for some guidance! :001_smile: then in a few weeks make a decision. Thank you all SO MUCH again, your advice was VERY helpful! you are a life saver, glad I joined this forum! :D




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