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What do you NOT like about Brave Writer?


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I've looked at Bravewriter a few times, and have never been able to go ahead with the purchase because of the sticker price.


I have looked at the samples and even tried them. I like that they are flexible and not planned to the nth degree. From the little I know, I haven't seen a "plan" or "scope and sequence". I wasn't convinced that all the bases would be covered with the program.

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I like and use BraveWriter, but the main negatives I have about it are the price and lack of handholding.




For people who need reassurance that they are "on track" with language arts and for those who are not strong in LA themselves, using Brave Writer exclusively would be a nerve-wracking road to take. I think where it shines is as a supplement, giving lots of encouragement and some wonderful ideas that bring joy to writing and round out a solid, scheduled program. As a supplement, it's hard to beat, but I agree that it's pricey. It seems to be priced for people who are going to use it as the whole kit 'n' kaboodle for LA instead of as a supplement. The HS Buyers Co-Op pricing helps somewhat though.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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We are new users of the Bravewriter lifestyle. It's still very new for us. We do plan to put our DD8 in the online classes, as I realize my limitations as a writing instructor, and I think those will be interesting. She'll try her first class when she is almost 9.


This is not an open and go "curriculum". It's not really a curriculum at all, unless you buy the other programs like The Wand or The Arrow, etc.


I think for anyone who wants open and go, this is not for them. It's really a program that teaches the parent to be a better guide for writing. I like the philosophy, but I don't consider myself a great writer, which is why I'll be supplementing with the online classes (at least we'll be trying them out to see if they are successful).

Edited by tammyw
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I don't think it's worth the full price but it may go on sale again at HSBC at some point.


They acutally extended the deadline at HSBC again.

It's an interesting marketing method. Each month they have kept extending the deadline. However, there is no guarentee that they will continue to do so.

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