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Once upon a time there was a pre elderly alto/tenor who felt too exhausted to go sing tVigil for The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. She intended to try anyway, then remembered that her ds#2 would require pick up from the train station at his usual Tuesday evening time. Caught between duty and motherhood, she decided to...


(A) drive 22 (at least) miles south through rush hour traffic, leaving college student in the lurch




(B) pick up son from the train station, then return home and improvise dinner for the restless natives, who relentlessly expect three home-cooked meals per day.

Edited by Orthodox6
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I just posted this same on Simka's thread about the fires near their home. May God protect her and her family! I'm so worried about everyone. S-I-L lives in the Woodlands, which also has been an endangered area.


I can't use names on this public board, but please pray also for our Orthodox friends who just learned that they have lost their home, their everything, to the Bastrop fire. My heart breaks for them. They were not a family with a large "safety margin" to absorb such a loss. (Few families are.) I am so sad now.

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I just posted this same on Simka's thread about the fires near their home. May God protect her and her family! I'm so worried about everyone. S-I-L lives in the Woodlands, which also has been an endangered area.


I can't use names on this public board, but please pray also for our Orthodox friends who just learned that they have lost their home, their everything, to the Bastrop fire. My heart breaks for them. They were not a family with a large "safety margin" to absorb such a loss. (Few families are.) I am so sad now.


Praying, friend. I told Simka in the other thread that we'll ask our new patron saint, the Prophet Elijah, for his intercessions. He has prayed for droughts to end before, and has seen it happen. And to the our most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of the Unburnt Bush, we also cry for mercy.

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Glad you started this thread! I miss the group!


O6 I will keep that family in my prayers.

My guess is that you did not make it to vigil tonight. ;) I am so looking forward to the day when I can go to vespers and vigils with well behaved, older kids who are not missing their bedtime! :)

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I printed a "helps appreciated" list from my friend's FB page. She posted it before they knew the news, but was thinking ahead.


I can't get that little girl's voice out of my head, the tears and sadness streaming over the phone line.


Simka, I pray your horses are safe, too.

I am reasonably sure they are safe. I am having difficulty getting specific news at the moment as to the status of the fire. Hopefully I will know more soon.

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Did I ask a question? I'm not being "snip". Oh. My stupid stuff from earlier in the thread. I can delete all that, as it is pure nonsense. This other stuff is what matters. I feel such a fool for being joke-y earlier today.


DD hardly knew what to say to her close friend, nor friend to her. I think they just cried on the phone together.


The mom is one of the most impressive women I know, in the realm of exterior organization and of inner strength.


I hope everyone is OK. Prayed. Sorry I had no answer for you O6!
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