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Book for pre-teen boy about puberty

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I am looking for a book for a pre-teen/teen boy about his changing body, what to expect in puberty, se*uality, information a boy should have about females. I prefer a secular resource. Want factual, not cutesy.

Any recommendations?

Oh, and if anybody has likewise recommendation for teen girl, too.


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I prefer a secular resource. Want factual, not cutesy.

Any recommendations?

Factual, not cutesy, might be hard :confused:.

Secular, I think these are secular. I haven't bought them yet, but they've been in my amazon cart for a while.


The Boy's Body Book


What's Happening to Me?

There's a girl's edition also.


This is a very good book on sexuality, but it's probably too cutesy.


Looking forward to seeing what others recommend.

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Maybe a bit cutesy, but definitely secular and factual: http://www.amazon.com/Its-Perfectly-Normal-Changing-Growing/dp/0763644846/ref=pd_sim_b_2


BTW, when *my* kids were preteens, I bought the younger book (It's So Amazing) after borrowing both books from the library.

My kids simply were not ready for more. I was PUSHING them when I got a book at all. This book is very thorough. Part of a review from a young woman:


I know it's hard for some parents to look at this book and think about giving it to your kid when it talks about masturbation, birth control and types of sex other than vaginal. But you do not want your kid learning about oral and anal sex, or that the pull out method is birth control or anything like that from the internet or whispers in the locker room. This book teaches these things maturely and with respect. Kids are curious, best to have them learn from the right source.
Edited by 2J5M9K
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Factual, not cutesy, might be hard :confused:.

Secular, I think these are secular. I haven't bought them yet, but they've been in my amazon cart for a while.


The Boy's Body Book


What's Happening to Me?

There's a girl's edition also.


This is a very good book on sexuality, but it's probably too cutesy.


Looking forward to seeing what others recommend.


We have The Boy's Body Book and it's a really good one. Really good. Covers all sorts of topics, not just sexual stuff. Acne, how changing bodies means some boys will be bigger for sports sooner, how to handle any teasing that might come up, etc. Plus the sexual stuff, but it's all mixed in (well, each topic is a chapter) so that it's the "embarrassing" stuff then something not embarrassing.


I'm getting ready to buy a 2nd copy for my 2nd son, as my oldest keeps it in his room as a kind of reference.


I forget if it covers the changes to a female's body or not.....

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I'm going to second It's Perfectly Normal. Honestly, there's some stuff in there I'm not 100% comfortable with, but it's a book I'll be handing to my kids when they are preteens or young teens (depending on their maturity level), because I think it's got stuff they need to know regardless of my comfort level. Depending on his age, though, It's So Amazing might be more appropriate right now, and you can hold off on the other book until he's a bit older.

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