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What happened to my house??? It's only our second day!

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Is it POSSIBLE to homeschool well and thoroughly AND keep on top of the house? Somewhat organized???





It's 3:30 and I didn't finish everything I wanted to. I did however make a good chicken soup, have beef stroganoff in the crockpot for dinner and have an appointment at 5 to get my nails done. Something tells me the nails may have to be sacrificed...I mean, with school, piano, soccer, AWANA etc..when will I have time anyway??


We started at 9:30. I am using the workbox system but I was soooo tired last night and wasn't prepared that I didn't do the boxes ahead of time. I still have some "finishing touches" to put on our system.


My living room looks like a cyclone went through it...the legos are everywhere (but he's been productive)...the cushions are all piled up because she couldn't do her phonograms or listen to stories any other way.


Oh..and yeah, the new shiny white board looks just SO much prettier than my pretty Pier 1 wallhanging I had there prior.


I think the four hampers of wrinkled laundry to fold along our school room wall adds a lovely decorative touch...sigh.



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"Wow, she's had a very productive day!"


I'm trying to imagine ever having time to get my nails done. :001_smile:


When you do school at home it's a full time job. If you taught at a school you would not be home all day and no one would ever expect everything done. But this is even worse, because you and the kids are home living in your house. It gets used, it gets messy.


You should see my house. My 6 year old erected a barricade in between our playroom and hall. He used all the boxes (which hold various toys) from the room to do it. Most of the toys are dumped all over the room. You can't walk in there (which is hard, because you have to go through that room to get to the bathroom). The rest of the house is worse. And I haven't made lunch or dinner. The kids ate left overs for lunch and we are going to a pot luck. I made that meal yesterday.


Right now I'm off to Walmart.

Edited by Kim in Appalachia
wrong word
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"Wow, she's had a very productive day!"


I'm trying to imagine ever having time to get my nails done. :001_smile:



Right now I'm off to Walmart.


Well, I haven't got them done YET. I'm supposed to go at 5 and I can't imagine it. I'm SO tired!!! Then, I'm supposed to run from there to meet my husband at this local church to sign the kids up for Awana. Something's gonna give..because starting next week, this will be their soccer time too. I've wanted them to do awana for years but they are not as into it as I am I guess.


Wow, you have dinner started. I am just now getting a chance to clean the kitchen. I haven't thought about dinner yet.


I found a crockpot recipe that looked good and got the stuff last night so just threw that in at 9 before starting school. The sink is piled high with dishes and crap, but at least they'll have something to eat!


This is my first week in 7 years "on my own". I hope I'm not burning myself out.

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It is impossible to do it all. Just prioritize. Yes, I would LOVE to have a clean and spotless house, but we homeschool all.over.the.house and it shows. Someone stopped by unexpectedly a few days ago and I wanted to die! My main goal is to have the house in a condition that if someone stops by, I am not completely embarassed so, yes, I have lowered the bar! :lol:


Just relax and take some deep breaths. Let's think about what happened today. You made soup and dinner. Your kids learned. That sounds like a really good day to me!!!


We have instituted a 15 minute clean-up time before quiet time and before bed. The whole family works as hard as they can in that time. It is amazing how much can get done, especially if you can get DH off the couch!!!! :001_huh:

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Wasn't it Erma Bombeck or maybe Carol Channing that said that cleaning the house while the kids are home is like shoveling the walk in the middle of a blizzard? Um yeah, whoever it was, she was right.

If you have something that you could train the dc to do -- dishes or folding laundry or something, you can make that be one of their workboxes. But like the others have said, prioritize. The Legos and the cushions, that's the reality of homeschooling, and at least half of us probably have living rooms in that same state (for me, it's currently little tiny bits of cut up yarn and various sheets of loose leaf paper because one child refuses to use her binder. Oh, and sticky notes that someone was trying to get the cat to chase.

One neighbor and I are known to go over to another neighbor's house just to see what clean is. She has 5 dc, but they're all in school and she has a cleaning service. The other two of us have kids home all the time, so that kind of clean just doesn't happen.

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If I want to feel like the house clean then the front room and the dining room are spotless. The rest of the house is a disaster. I can even take all the stuff in the two "clean" rooms and dump it on my bed (or the stairs - which is behind a closed door) and feel like I have control. I deal with the mess when I have time. Compartmentalizing the house and my mind has helped loads. :lol:


I do like keeping on top of things, though. That is coming more now that our kids are getting older and I am getting meaner. They have been trained to do basic chores and now seem to understand what I mean when I say I want it clean. Miraculous! They are still slippery, but I can catch them. :D

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