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If a Chihuahua is shaking, does that mean it's cold?

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I know, this may be the stupid question of the day, or the week, or the month. But a stray chihuahua has adopted us for the past few days. I'm desperately trying to locate the owners but have had no luck so far so we have a pet bed on our front porch with food and water for her. The temps today are in the low 60's and it's rainy and I just went out and picked her up and she is shaking. I know logically that should mean she's cold, but is that necessarily true? She also has been shaking from nervousness when she sees someone new.


We're not big on indoor pets here and I really, really do not want to send her to the pound so I'm still hoping that someone will see my sign or I'll be able to connect with the owner through word-of-mouth. (We've made everyone we can think of aware of the situation, including our local vet). Before I'd let her in my house, we need to bath her, flea meds and a vet check so I'd rather keep her outside for a few more days but with the poor thing shivering I'm feeling guilty. Her bed is padded and protected from the wind and I just took a big blanket out there for her to burrow in . . . is that enough?


Thanks -

And if anyone wants to adopt her, just let me know :)

Edited by JanOH
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They do get chilled very easily, but they can also shake from fear/anxiety. In the situation you describe, it's probably both. Many small dogs wear sweaters full time in cool or cold weather.


I hope you find her owner, but I would absolutely bring her inside in the meantime.


Good luck!!

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please take her to the pound/shelter so she can be adopted into an appropriate home. Chi's are NOT outside dogs.


The only reason I'm trying to stall on taking her to the pound, is that our pound is not "no-kill". They do not keep the dogs very long - at least that's what I've heard. They are over run with dogs right now. I did contact the pound yesterday and left my phone number and the information about the dog so that if someone comes in looking for her, they will call me.

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Most certainly not an outside animal. I would suggest making your local animal shelter aware that you have a chihuahua to adopt out, because in general, small, pathetic little dogs stand a really good chance for adoption. At the very least, take her up there and have them scan her for a microchip.


She probably is cold and frightened. With the recent cold front that took our temperatures here from triple digits to the low eighties, my animals are having a tough time dealing with the change, and my guys are 30, 60 and 100 pounds and in the house! They are enjoying the weather, but even the neighbor's wolf-hybrid, covered in hair, wants in with my dogs when it is quite cool in the morning.


Also, if she looks full blood, check on Chihuahua rescue options.

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Most certainly not an outside animal. I would suggest making your local animal shelter aware that you have a chihuahua to adopt out, because in general, small, pathetic little dogs stand a really good chance for adoption. At the very least, take her up there and have them scan her for a microchip.


We had her scanned at our vet yesterday and there is no chip. I did call the pound yesterday and they took my information but there was no encouragement on their part for me to bring her in which made me even more relunctant to take her there.

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I know *lots* of chihuahuas that live outside. They are healthy and happy and friendly dogs. Most of them are allowed inside some of the time but are definitely happy running around outside.


You're not in Ohio though. You're in the Chihuahua's home territory. ;)


It's getting pretty nippy this far north already (I'm not far from there, so guessing...).

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You're not in Ohio though. You're in the Chihuahua's home territory. ;)


It's getting pretty nippy this far north already (I'm not far from there, so guessing...).


That's true. We even have chihuahua packs here. They take themselves very seriously, let me tell you. They are like little mini street gangs. So very macho and will take on any dog of any size. :lol:


I do think a heating pad would be fine in the low 60's, unless it's super windy.

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It's probably a combination of stress/nervousness, being chilled, and low blood sugar. Make sure that pup is eating frequently - hypoglycemia is quite common in chis. If you absolutely can't/won't bring it in the house or garage I'd make sure it has a box/crate of some kind (something that will block any wind/drafts) with the dog bed and an extra blanket for burrowing inside of it.

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I would say that while the dog might be somewhat cold she is most likely nervous. A tea towel with a few strategic safety pins would probably make a good temporary dog coat.


Thank you for the idea - I'll see what I can do. I took a blanket out and draped if over one half of her bed (it has hard sides) thinking that she would crawl under it but instead now she sleeping on top of the blanket that is draped over the shoes stored out there.


She's such a sweet dog.

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