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Is anyone else having problems with gmail?

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It has been temperamental for several days, but today it's really bad. I keep getting an error message that says


We’re sorry, but your Gmail account is currently experiencing errors. You won’t be able to use your account while these errors last, but don’t worry, your account data and messages are safe. Our engineers are working to resolve this issue.

Please try accessing your account again in a few minutes.



I've used it for years and I've never had a complaint, but this is really frustrating.

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No problems with my mail account, but my iGoogle page is wonky.

Too often my bookmarks aren't showing up, and some of my RSS feeds come up blank now and again. I have to close and reopen my browser a time or two before everything works.

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I haven't noticed too many problems; however, I was chatting with dh through it today and just after I entered a message it added in bright red something like: "(DH) did not receive your message." This has never happened before...and at first I thought my dh had somehow texted that to get me to stop bothering him at work :001_smile:. It cleared up shortly after, but was definitely weird.

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