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What would you do???

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Well, my daughter was sick to death this morning and was really scared to go to school. I gave her the choice and she choose to go and face it. I am very proud of her. The teacher never got my email. So, my daughter went to her after class, shaking like a leaf, and explained the whole thing. The teacher was very gracious and my daughter is not in any trouble at all. Thank you Lord. I am not sure what is going to happen to the other girl. This was definitely a HUGE lesson for my daughter. She will definitely be saying NO to anyone that wants her work. She is an amazing kid who wants to help everyone, but I think she has learned a lesson here. Not all people are good.

I am sure that we will find out what will happen to the other girl tomorrow. I will pass that on to you all. My dd was never worried about retaliation from the other girl, she was just worry about the teacher not liking her (a people pleaser through and through). I am worried about it, but the girl is new to the school (and state) so, at least my dd has got friends on her side for support. Thanks for all the well wishes, thoughts and prayers. They were greatly appreciated!!!!


Just a note: I think I'd emphasize that the lesson is NOT that all people are not good but rather that you have to trust your own character and judgement first before that of other people. It's to easy to define people as good and bad but it's a false and simple classification that can lead to trouble of it's own down the road. Instead she should be learning to measure other people's requests by her own sense of what's right and wrong and whether she's helping them put themselves in moral peril.


So next time..."If I offer this person a draft of my essay am I cheating them of the the effort it takes to write a paper from scratch?" and. "Is this a request I would make myself?"


People, by and large, are not either good or bad and starting to classify them as such can lead to bed decisions about whom to trust just as easily as naively thinking they're all good.

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I cannot believe the girl had the nerve to do this! They are not friends, they are just in the same class. I feel bad for my dd. I hope that she can find a way to stand up to this girl so there is no future "problems". It just really suc*s that she had to start off her experience in public school like this. =(

She choose to go to PS, but she is a people pleaser and I knew this would be a problem!


I can. She pegged your dd as nice and naive right away. Since she's a former homeschooler, sweet quiet and studious, there will be people trying to take advantage.


Yes, it stinks, but now she knows to look out for it. A healthy dose of skepticism with regards to people's intentions could serve her well. Always be suspicious when someone who never previously gave you the time of day is suddenly all nice and friendly.


I hope your dd keeps a sharp eye out for her now (in case she cooks up some clever way to retaliate). She's not going to like having been caught--and she may very well suspect your dd spoke to the teacher no matter how he/she handles it.

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Just a note: I think I'd emphasize that the lesson is NOT that all people are not good but rather that you have to trust your own character and judgement first before that of other people. It's to easy to define people as good and bad but it's a false and simple classification that can lead to trouble of it's own down the road. Instead she should be learning to measure other people's requests by her own sense of what's right and wrong and whether she's helping them put themselves in moral peril.



It is such a hard lesson to learn in life! I am easy to think people mean well but it hurts to realize it isnt so!

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