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Do you enjoy speaking/presenting to a group?

Are you comfortable or uncomfortable speaking to an audience?  

  1. 1. Are you comfortable or uncomfortable speaking to an audience?

    • Basically Comfortable
    • Basically Uncomfortable

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I will present to adults easily but not a group of children larger than 4 or 5. On thursday night I'll be presenting to a group of parents at my school.


Ironically I'm a school teacher but luckily my largest class size is 4 and I basically teach them individually so I'm not really presenting to a group.


The fact that I don't like to present to a group of children kept me from being a teacher for years. Turns out I'm really good at what I do so I'm glad that I can get paid to teach and tutor without having to stand up in front of them.

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I'm curious about the personalities of this forum, if many, some, or not so many are comfortable presenting to a crowd. Also, if you are not one who speaks well to an audience, how do you cope with that? Do you decline, avoid, or refuse to speak up front? How do you deal with co-op situations when you might be needed or required to present material to a group? Curious. I'll start. I'm not comfortable, and avoid it as much as possible.


I grew up in a large family and am fairly extroverted. I'm very comfortable presenting to a crowd, but it's not an opportunity I seek out. I try to avoid it where possible, but I can turn the magic on when/if the need arises :D.


In my job we have to use a PA system to speak to 100s of people at a time. In training there were a number of people who had a really difficult time with this, even though they were just in front of a few fellow trainees in a mock situation. On the line, even after years on the job, there are still people who hate this part of the job and will ask someone else to do it for them. It doesn't even matter that these PAs can be made out of sight of everyone, which intrigued me because I always thought the problem people had was being looked at while they spoke!

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Major introvert here. However, I've found that I can do a presentation for an audience if I have time to prepare. I write out word for word what I'm going to say and do not try to ad lib, that spells disaster. I practice giving the speech to a mirror at least once and if I'm brave, to my kids. They have actually given me good feedback.


The first time I did this, about 2 minutes in I decided to look at the audience. They were all smiling. I relaxed and got throught the rest with no anxiety. However, it's not something I look forward to doing. I only do it when asked.

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