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Irregular Contractions (Braxton Hicks?)

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Since Wed, I've been having contractions. Not regular, no signs of labour, just baby really low and these contractions that stop and start through out the day and evening. Back ache that comes and goes.


I'm going with the idea that they're BH, since there's no real pattern...but I have to admit, its making me short tempered and cranky. Part of it is being on edge, since I'm only 30 wks tomorrow, and part of it is, it hurts, dang it.


Baby is low enough that its uncomfortable pressure. Being jabbed with a knitting needle in the nether region sometimes, but again, no real reason to think that its actual labour.


For those who've dealt with ongoing BH, any suggestions? I'm drinking loads of water, and take a magnesium supplement. Also taking it pretty easy.

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I remember these! I used to get them whenever I'd move in a certain way. Or after I went to the bathroom. They were uncomfortable! Would it help if you looked at them as getting your body ready for labor? Practice!


Do you have a chiro nearby? I used to get those stabbing pains in my pubic bone and a chiropractor helped a LOT!!!! Definitely ask if the chiro is experienced in working with pregnant women though!

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I have no advice, but I've had the same issue since I was 28 weeks. I'm 33 weeks now and it's not slowing down. It's also not getting more frequent though so I guess that's the good news. My OB told me it's normal, especially for moms of other kids, and to not worry unless they were happening more than once every 10 minutes.

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I started having contractions all day, every day at 30 weeks with my middle dd. Even when they were too faint to feel, they registered on my non-stress tests. And they were often strong enough to hurt. My OB emphasized that BH contractions can lead to labor. If the contractions were regular, I was to drink a large glass of water and lie on my left side. If they didn't go away in an hour, I was to call her.


I would be a little concerned about the combination of back pain, low baby, and contractions. Back pain can be contractions, but you don't feel the stop and start, so you can't measure whether they're regular or not. Have you talked to your OB?

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I saw him on Wed, right after baby seemed to drop, but wasn't really having contractions at that point.


I've never had a baby drop before, so no clue if the pressure issue is abnormal for that situation...seems to make sense to me that there would be increased pressure.


If I call, they'll probably tell me to come in, erring on the side of caution. I *really* don't want to spend hrs at the hospital just to find out that yes, it is indeed BH, nothing to be done, go home. Plus, Wolf just headed to the other side of the city and won't be home for several hrs.

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I would be a little concerned about the combination of back pain, low baby, and contractions. Back pain can be contractions, but you don't feel the stop and start, so you can't measure whether they're regular or not. Have you talked to your OB?


Might be bh, but also might be early labor. I'd call my ob, because if it's early labor they can sometimes stop it before it gets too far. I've never had a lot of bh, but I did have one early labor. I was only 19 weeks, and for me it felt like back pain and pressure. My water ended up breaking, but they stopped the labor and I made it to 34 weeks.


ETA: I did spend 3 months in the hospital, but I have my perfect 4yob walking around to show for it. ♥ Even if you have to spend a few hours in the hospital (which I agree would totally suck) just to hear it was bh, I wouldn't mess around. Praying for good news!

Edited by Mamabegood
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I think this is pretty common when you have a few pregnancies under your belt. I know I had lots of BH contractions this last time, and they were definitely more frequent/noticable than with my previous pregnancies. For me, it helped to bless them as they came and acknowledge that it meant my body was paving the way for an easy delivery. (And it was my fastest/easiest delivery yet: 3 hrs from water breaking to baby out, and only half of that was very intense.)


Having a drink of water and laying on your left side should make things slow down/stop if it's not true labour. But if you're at all in doubt, then maybe you should call your care provider for an opinion.

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Your OB will tell you to drink some water and lie down (on your left side). Sometimes I have to switch to my right side. You can also try stretching or doing some yoga-type poses. One that feels really good is getting down on your knees and spreading your knees far apart, then lying forward with your face touching the floor (or a pillow) and your arms stretched out in front of your face.


BH hurt in your belly. True labor contractions should hurt in your back. Are you feeling the contractions in your back (as opposed to the regular aches/pains of pregnancy)?

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I think this is pretty common when you have a few pregnancies under your belt.


They were definitely more noticeable and painful with each pregnancy. Got the jabbing with the last one too.


If the back pain was mostly a constant nagging ache, I would consider that normal. If it was intermittent, like real labor contractions, I'd be more concerned.

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Its like a low grade back ache that comes and goes. Be there for a half hour, an hour, then goes, comes back, sometimes a few hrs later. I just figure its a baby #5 issue, same as with the round ligament pain that feels like my lower belly is going to tear off. I can't do any positioning that would have me moving my rt arm or putting any sort of pressure on it.


I do the drinking water and laying on my left.


There's no pattern to them, other than they happen every day, which is why I figure they're BH, and not actual labour. Anything changes, and I will go in, I don't want this baby showing up 10 wks early!

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I had them off and on through out all my pregnancies. With my last, I had REGULAR BH contractions for many, many weeks. I also carried very low and having a slight scoliosis, my back suffered EXCRUCIATING pain. My legs gave out on me more than once due to sciatic nerve.


Oh, those were the days.;) Glad they're over. They'll be over for you soon!:grouphug:

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I had premature labor with both pregnancies. The ONLY difference between BH & real contractions is that real ones change your cervix. The only way to know if your cervix is changing is to have it checked.


If you have more than 6 an hour, lay down on your left side and drink a LOT of water. If you have more than 6 the next hour, you need to go in immediately.

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