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Warning: Pregnant Imp Brain

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I've been informed, over the years, that my brain doesn't exactly...conform...to the usual standards.


Apparently, this is most glaringly obvious in sense of humour.


I've also been recently informed, that when pregnant, Imp brain works in an even more twisted manner, taking tangents completely inexplicable to the normal human being.


I get a lot of confused looks lately.


So, thought it would only be the responsible thing to do and warn members here that pregnancy hormones have warped my brain even more than normal, and I may not be fully in control of my sense of humour.



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Ooohh, I know about pregnancy brain! :lol: When I was pregnant I stood in front of a cd player for like 15 min because I could not remember which side of the cd was supposed to face up! :001_huh:


At 8 months pregnant I tried to leave the house shirtless. :blink: I had those kind of pants with that panel that totally goes over the tummy and a sports bra, so I felt covered and didn't realize until opening the front door.


And I was constantly putting stuff in the fridge that did not belong there!

"gee honey, have you seen the soap?" "I don't know, check the fridge" :lol:

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There's a pattern in my responses to threads the last day or two...:lol:


Only I could manage a leap from lost Latin lessons to a Cher video. Honest.


Yes. I do wish you would have posted the warning BEFORE the 80s nakedish Cher video was wormed into my brain.



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At 8 months pregnant I tried to leave the house shirtless. :blink: I had those kind of pants with that panel that totally goes over the tummy and a sports bra, so I felt covered and didn't realize until opening the front door.



I have TOTALLY done that! LOL!!

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