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mini blinds or liner for curtains for privacy

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At our new house we have nice curtains on the bedroom window BUT you can still see shadows (fairly well) at night when the bedroom light is on. Since the master bedroom window faces a fairly busy road we want privacy:001_huh:


Would you suggest a curtain liner or mini blinds behind the curtains? What is cheaper/easier/better?

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Another vote against mini blinds. And if you get cheep mini blinds, you still might be able to see through them. And just FYI, if you get the bamboo roman shades, at night, with a light in the room it is almost as if you have nothing over your windows at all.


In our new place we have two issues - people being able to see in and a light that shines very bright all night long right outside of the window. I got http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/20160200 these to let the light in but not let people see in although you would easily see shadows. And then I put two light blocking thermal curtains sewn together to keep the light out. And those you can NOT see through.

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Just to be unpopular... :tongue_smilie:


Due to cats, I exclusively use mini blinds. Since the cats love to play with (wreck up) the blinds occasionally, I go for the cheapest ones possible at Wal-Mart or Target, or whatever. The 36" ones cost me $3.98 + tax and they are good enough that I use them in my bathroom window (with a regular window, not one of those frosted ones) and never worry about someone seeing in.


Of course, I suppose if someone were standing at the window, trying to peek in those little holes, then maybe...

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