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Teachers Lounge 8-29-2011

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(Happy) Monday!!!


Why is "happy" in parentheses? Because sometimes "happy" can get stuck and not show up until Tuesday! :tongue_smilie: Is that what happened with you today? If so, you've come to the right place! The Lounge exists to give Mom the opportunity for adult conversation and maybe even an excuse to have a snack and take a break!


What was for lunch today? We had fish & chips at a food stand the next town over. The food was okay and they only took cash. :confused: It's the 21st century. Who ONLY takes cash and not debit/credit cards? Evidently this place we went to today!


What was fun today? We went on a field trip to a police museum and now my kids are having fun with homemade playdough. Even the almost 13yo!


Any birthdays coming up in your family? DD will be 13 on Wednesday! :001_huh:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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(Happy) Monday to you too!


Lunch was a salad with (drum roll please. . . ) protein! This time it was mixed greens with chicken salad on top.


(Fun) today: Doing 3-D geometry by taking my entire living room apart and trying to put it back together in a way that will allow us to use our new entertainment center and homeschool and visit with each other. . . I'm only a quarter of the way done. Dh has beat a hasty retreat :auto: after receiving the look :glare: when he criticized the part I've done so far.


New today was ds14's first session with his new math teacher. I'm finding that letting go of what they are doing is hard for me!


I also started dd9 in math today too. We're doing math differently this year - much slower, much more hands on and much more deliberately. She was complaining that it was too easy but then she discovered that she didn't know it all after all . . .

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Hmm. I'm not sure about the Happy. I'll get back to you tomorrow. I've finished another book on my Kindle and promised myself to not start another until I get more than 4 hours of sleep at night.


For lunch today I had some fresh tomatoes with basil, provolone and balsamic vinegar. Apparently I was about 5 minutes too late to get some leftover mushroom risotto so I had to make something.


It rained hard today so littlest and I went to dam up the drainage ditch. :) It was a favorite pastime in my youth.


We don't h ave any birthdays here until October. 13? Wow. Either congratulations or pity is in order, but we should celebrate.


I need either a nap, chocolate or coffee. Or all three. I'll start with a fresh pot of coffee. And maybe a scoop of cocoa in it. I love reading, but I have no ability to put down a good book once I start. I take that back. I usually can't even put down a bad book once I start it.

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We had a pretty decent day today. We don't have any "interruptions" to our school time on Mondays. We have a heavy academic day, but my kids worked pretty diligently today and we were able to get done and still have a lot of free time today!


What was for lunch today? We had a hodge podge of leftovers. Nothing too yummy though.


What was fun today? Nothing too fun happening here today, but my middle dd did have her last night of indoor soccer this evening. She enjoyed it, but I'm kind of glad it's coming to an end. Regular soccer league starts on Thursday.


Any birthdays coming up in your family? Our oldest will be 14 at the end of September.

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Jenn, you made me think about the fact that maybe I should designate one of our days as a non-interruption day but I'm not sure how well that would work!


Karen, I think your lunch sounds delicious. As for dd turning 13, it's a little of both. While she may be 13 in age, she's about 11/12 socially/maturity (due to the Asperger's Syndrome). But I'll tell you, she has a mind for business! At least in the marketing department. She's good!


Iona, I hear ya!


Jean, no? Really?? Protein on your salad?? I'd have never guessed! As for your husband, well, you get what's comin' to ya! :rofl:



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