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One thing I have noticed since starting homeschooling...

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I have been homeschooling my DD since the 18th July and I am actually enjoying having my children with me all day.


Before HSing I would get annoyed with them very easily or not pay them enough attention etc. :o


I guess I have been learning the whole time too!!!




I *heart* homeschool :001_smile:

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yup. i noticed that my first year, too.


I also came to find out that I have a cranky time from 3-4ish which was very difficult when the kids got off the bus after 3 and usually started their afterschool activity at 4. :glare: so my kids usually only got to now that cranky mom. I now try to nap during that time.


Robin in NJ

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I'm actually starting to kick myself that I "missed" my childrens toddler and baby years, to do meaningful, family and educational things with them. I was doing the "normal" thing and sending them off to kinder and school, letting the teachers do their thing. Even though DS is off to his last year of kinder next year, I am going to be teaching him a lot of things.

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Its something i try to explain to people who say they couldnt bear to have their kids around all the time. Its actually easier- and their behaviour is sweeter, and somehow we all fall in sync more. Its not that its always rosy, but it really is easier than when they are out there picking up bad habits and attitudes from other environments all day.


My son just came home again after 6 months in high school- and me having 6 months of freedom, not having to work but not having kids around. I grew to like it. But Jared was pretty obnoxious. I hadnt consciously put it down to school- I just figured it was being age 15. But when he came home again, his personality changed again. He is much more easygoing, happy, lighthearted, and he is easy to be around again.

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I've certainly noticed the opposite: when my kids are out and doing things all day every day for a few days, I get snippier with them and they get much harder to be around in those few hours they're home. They don't get along as well with each other, they expect to be entertained more, I'm less tolerant of their interruptions. Breaks here and there (awesome summer camp opportunities, whatever) can be great, but "re-entry" (even when it's "re-entry" every single day) can be hard. For all of us.


Our regular lives as a home schooling family are certainly more harmonious.

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When my oldest started Kinder he became nearly unbearable, I attributed it his trying to find his boundries, testing them, etc...


We had a freak snow storm that extended our Christmas break that year by 8 days. He was home for over three weeks and suddenly my sweet, loving child was back. He was more tolerant of his younger brother, he remembering his manners again without being prompted and suddenly I realized it was the influence of school that had changed him. He noticed it, too. After Christmas break he never wanted to go to school. Dropping him off every day became a struggle and a fight.


DH had already put the HS bug in my ear and this experience really opened my eyes and my heart and I knew it was what was best for our family.

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It is marvelous to be around your kids and enjoy them as people, not little tyrants that I have to keep telling to be quiet. I learned that I really enjoy my children, and it really upsets me when I hear mothers saying they can't wait for school to start for various reasons, one being so the house will be quiet.

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I tried to explain this to a ps parent who said "I don't think I could be around my kids all day and I think they'd kill each other!" It's not the same family dynamic as a ps family, even summer time for those families...at least I think it's not as we've only experienced my dsd going to ps.


I really think I'd have less patience with them if we all got used to not being around each other all the time. It takes an adjustment just when a couple of them come back from a few nights with friends. Their siblings annoy them, they annoy me, the house is chaotic and hard to stand. Having everyone around each other more seems to solve that.:confused1:

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