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Milk from farmer?

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Oh my. All I know is my husband and I grew up on raw milk. Him and his 10 siblings, me and my 5 siblings. Now we are raising our children up on it as well. Never in our lives have we had a problem. And I could give you many names of people who are doing the same. Raw milk is so awesome for your body and tastes so very good. I'll bet your farmer family drinks it and knows many who do too. Do a google search for Weston Price Foundation. They have a lot on their site about raw milk. Good luck.

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You should be able to look at the barn, the cow, see how he milks and how he keeps it sanitary, and ask about his disease prevention program.


If the cow's healthy and it's sanitary, we've never had a problem. People used to get TB and brucellosis from unpasteurized milk (which is why pasteurization was such a godsend at the time), but there are tests for these and other diseases. All of our cows are tested negative for all this stuff.

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I grew up on raw cow's milk. If there's anyone in your family that has a weakened immune system you might want to pass on it just to be cautious but if, after a bit of research on how milking should be done and a good look at how he does it to make sure it's sanitary, I'd go for it.


I think pasteurization is a good thing but I think raw milk is fine as well. :)

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I buy milk from our neighbor. I do pasteurize it myself because neither their containers nor mine are always sterilized and it's not a big deal to quickly heat it. It tastes so much better than anything I've ever bought before. (This is the normal thing to do here- everyone buys milk from a neighbor who has a cow and then heats it before drinking it.)

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I drink raw (real ;)) milk and LOVE it. I visited the farm first, got to know the farmer, wife, dc and was thrilled to have hit the jackpot. It's been over two yrs and we've not gotten sick. I gotta be honest and say that I really don't even think my jars were always sterile as we have no dishwasher and the dc usually do the washing.:tongue_smilie:

I think getting to know and buying from local farmers is the BEST way to get food.:thumbup:

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